Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) is a fantasy comedy manga series written and illustrated by Ryoko Kui. Its run finished just a couple of months ago in September 2023, and the next big thing for the fandom is the anime adaptation that is scheduled for January 4, 2024.
When you hear about dungeons, comedy and cooking are usually the last things on your mind, but Delicious in Dungeon is about to change that. When a group of adventurers gets stuck in a dungeon as a result of their mission going wrong, they have to solve the issue of finding supplies and feeding themselves. Their decision is to find food inside the dungeon to sustain themselves. Why not eat monsters, after all? Upon the preparation of their first meal, they encounter a dwarf named Senshi, who’s not new to eating monsters. He guides them in their cooking and expresses his desire to cook a dragon.
The anime adaptation is coming very soon, and will air on Netflix, consisting of two consecutive cours.
The new trailer is out
The second trailer for Delicious in Dungeon gives you another glimpse of the beauty that this series is going to be. The humorous vibe is the first thing you notice, and you can already see all those hilariously weird moments that the anime is going to provide. The art style is also something worth mentioning, as the picture looks incredible. The character design is very fitting to the theme, and provides medieval aesthetics framed with unseriousness.
Fans are truly excited for the anime, of course. Manga readers promise a great adventure and add that Delicious in Dungeon is definitely a series worth waiting for. In a world where every other series is a shounen about teenagers learning how to control their powers, seeing an anime about a group of adults bonding (and cooking!) is especially refreshing.
Viewers are already mentioning Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sousou no Frieren) vibes that Delicious in Dungeon is giving, and while this series will hardly be such an emotional existential experience as Frieren is, we may understand the comparison. The aesthetics just have something similar about them.
On top of that, the first two episodes of the series have already been revealed during the special showing at Anime NYC, and those lucky ones who've experienced them feel very positive about the upcoming series and promise something great for us.
Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) is a fantasy comedy manga series written and illustrated by Ryoko Kui. Its run finished just a couple of months ago in September 2023, and the next big thing for the fandom is the anime adaptation that is scheduled for January 4, 2024.
When you hear about dungeons, comedy and cooking are usually the last things on your mind, but Delicious in Dungeon is about to change that. When a group of adventurers gets stuck in a dungeon as a result of their mission going wrong, they have to solve the issue of finding supplies and feeding themselves. Their decision is to find food inside the dungeon to sustain themselves. Why not eat monsters, after all? Upon the preparation of their first meal, they encounter a dwarf named Senshi, who’s not new to eating monsters. He guides them in their cooking and expresses his desire to cook a dragon.
The anime adaptation is coming very soon, and will air on Netflix, consisting of two consecutive cours.
The new trailer is out
The second trailer for Delicious in Dungeon gives you another glimpse of the beauty that this series is going to be. The humorous vibe is the first thing you notice, and you can already see all those hilariously weird moments that the anime is going to provide. The art style is also something worth mentioning, as the picture looks incredible. The character design is very fitting to the theme, and provides medieval aesthetics framed with unseriousness.
Fans are truly excited for the anime, of course. Manga readers promise a great adventure and add that Delicious in Dungeon is definitely a series worth waiting for. In a world where every other series is a shounen about teenagers learning how to control their powers, seeing an anime about a group of adults bonding (and cooking!) is especially refreshing.
Viewers are already mentioning Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sousou no Frieren) vibes that Delicious in Dungeon is giving, and while this series will hardly be such an emotional existential experience as Frieren is, we may understand the comparison. The aesthetics just have something similar about them.
On top of that, the first two episodes of the series have already been revealed during the special showing at Anime NYC, and those lucky ones who've experienced them feel very positive about the upcoming series and promise something great for us.