
Metallic Rouge Episode 5 Generates New Theories About Rouge

Metallic Rouge Episode 5 Generates New Theories About Rouge

We’ve finally got some information!


  • Metallic Rouge keeps confusing the fans.
  • Episode 5 provided more perspective on Rouge’s past.
  • There are theories about Rouge’s origins.

Metallic Rouge is still one of the most mysterious series this season. For the past few weeks, every time there’s a new episode of the show, countless “I have no idea what’s going on” comments appear in every anime discussion, and we can relate.

The series is rather confusing

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The series introduces more characters, conflicts and terms in each episode, and it’s easy to forget what happened last week and who a particular person in the anime is. That’s why we’ve recently suggested that watching the entire thing after it’s finished airing might be the best solution.

However, this way you might miss one of the most interesting things about weekly online discussions: theories and predictions. And Episode 5 generated some of them.

Rouge’s past and origins

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We’ve finally got some insight into Rouge’s past and even possible origins. The new episode featured her “family”, mysterious Neans that we know very little about. Rouge calls one of them “brother” and another one “father”. We finally found out why she’s on a mission to destroy the Immortal Nine: they killed her father.

This disproves one of the previous theories that Rouge might be one of the Immortal Nine herself. But this also provides room for some new theories.

Rouge’s brother introduces a Nean that looks exactly like Rouge and calls her Rouge’s sister. This may mean that Rouge is not the original android with this appearance. It might be possible that the original Rouge died due to some cause, and our Rouge was created later to replace her.

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We can see that this new “family” resembles humans much more than regular Neans, so there’s an idea that they all have a special software or something similar that allows them to be like this. And Rouge might have inherited this software from the original Nean with the same appearance.

On top of that, the “bad guys” might be after Rouge exactly because of this software, and she doesn’t just need to complete her mission, but also try to avoid getting captured.

Although the latest episode gave us more information, it also feels like things got even more complicated and confusing. We have a feeling that Metallic Rouge is definitely a series that you’ll have to rewatch after it’s finished to fully understand everything. For now, let’s just enjoy all the theories and speculate some more

We’ve finally got some information!


  • Metallic Rouge keeps confusing the fans.
  • Episode 5 provided more perspective on Rouge’s past.
  • There are theories about Rouge’s origins.

Metallic Rouge is still one of the most mysterious series this season. For the past few weeks, every time there’s a new episode of the show, countless “I have no idea what’s going on” comments appear in every anime discussion, and we can relate.

The series is rather confusing

Metallic Rouge Episode 5 Generates New Theories About Rouge - image 1

The series introduces more characters, conflicts and terms in each episode, and it’s easy to forget what happened last week and who a particular person in the anime is. That’s why we’ve recently suggested that watching the entire thing after it’s finished airing might be the best solution.

However, this way you might miss one of the most interesting things about weekly online discussions: theories and predictions. And Episode 5 generated some of them.

Rouge’s past and origins

Metallic Rouge Episode 5 Generates New Theories About Rouge - image 2

We’ve finally got some insight into Rouge’s past and even possible origins. The new episode featured her “family”, mysterious Neans that we know very little about. Rouge calls one of them “brother” and another one “father”. We finally found out why she’s on a mission to destroy the Immortal Nine: they killed her father.

This disproves one of the previous theories that Rouge might be one of the Immortal Nine herself. But this also provides room for some new theories.

Rouge’s brother introduces a Nean that looks exactly like Rouge and calls her Rouge’s sister. This may mean that Rouge is not the original android with this appearance. It might be possible that the original Rouge died due to some cause, and our Rouge was created later to replace her.

Metallic Rouge Episode 5 Generates New Theories About Rouge - image 3

We can see that this new “family” resembles humans much more than regular Neans, so there’s an idea that they all have a special software or something similar that allows them to be like this. And Rouge might have inherited this software from the original Nean with the same appearance.

On top of that, the “bad guys” might be after Rouge exactly because of this software, and she doesn’t just need to complete her mission, but also try to avoid getting captured.

Although the latest episode gave us more information, it also feels like things got even more complicated and confusing. We have a feeling that Metallic Rouge is definitely a series that you’ll have to rewatch after it’s finished to fully understand everything. For now, let’s just enjoy all the theories and speculate some more