
Metallic Rouge Should Have Been a Two-Cour Season Anime

Metallic Rouge Should Have Been a Two-Cour Season Anime

The series definitely needs to do something with its pacing and worldbuilding.


  • Metallic Rouge is often criticized for poor pacing and worldbuilding.
  • It would be better if the series had 24 episodes.
  • This would also improve the character dynamics.

This season’s Metallic Rouge is notorious for being extremely confusing and even disappointing. Fans keep complaining that the story is very difficult to follow and understand, the characters hardly seem likable, and viewers find it challenging to relate to any of them.

All these complaints are completely fair: Metallic Rouge is definitely not something we all expected. But there are still great parts in the series, and fans see a lot of potential in its plot. The world of Metallic Rouge also seems interesting and fans want to know more about it.

However, it’s not so easy with this series.

It should be longer

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Fans think that a lot of the series’ issues could be fixed with a two-cour season. If Metallic Rouge was supposed to be 24 episodes, it could’ve spent more time building its world and characters, setting up the mysteries and then gradually unraveling them. This would improve the pacing of the anime significantly.

There are a lot of small and seemingly irrelevant things that ruin the immersion and fans are sure that they wouldn’t have happened if the pacing was a bit better. For example, in Episode 8 Jean just randomly stumbles across the vault, where Rouge finds the memories of her father.

This felt extremely random to the viewers, and they thought there had to be a major search or some build-up leading to the discovery. Because it is a huge discovery indeed, and it doesn’t feel earned that way.

Character dynamics

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Another sore spot for Metallic Rouge fans is the lack of interesting character dynamics. When they were first introduced, Rouge and Naomi seemed highly curious. Their dynamic was promising, and we thought it was going to be one of the driving forces of the series.

But it never happened, and many fans agree that this duo just doesn’t work for them due to the lack of development. If the anime had more episodes, it could afford to spend a couple of them on building up the relationship between its main protagonists.

Because right now there is little to no character attachment, and even Rouge and Naomi’s fall-out doesn't seem that impactful to the viewers. They see great potential in their relationship, but they just need more time to fall in love with them.

The series definitely needs to do something with its pacing and worldbuilding.


  • Metallic Rouge is often criticized for poor pacing and worldbuilding.
  • It would be better if the series had 24 episodes.
  • This would also improve the character dynamics.

This season’s Metallic Rouge is notorious for being extremely confusing and even disappointing. Fans keep complaining that the story is very difficult to follow and understand, the characters hardly seem likable, and viewers find it challenging to relate to any of them.

All these complaints are completely fair: Metallic Rouge is definitely not something we all expected. But there are still great parts in the series, and fans see a lot of potential in its plot. The world of Metallic Rouge also seems interesting and fans want to know more about it.

However, it’s not so easy with this series.

It should be longer

Metallic Rouge Should Have Been a Two-Cour Season Anime - image 1

Fans think that a lot of the series’ issues could be fixed with a two-cour season. If Metallic Rouge was supposed to be 24 episodes, it could’ve spent more time building its world and characters, setting up the mysteries and then gradually unraveling them. This would improve the pacing of the anime significantly.

There are a lot of small and seemingly irrelevant things that ruin the immersion and fans are sure that they wouldn’t have happened if the pacing was a bit better. For example, in Episode 8 Jean just randomly stumbles across the vault, where Rouge finds the memories of her father.

This felt extremely random to the viewers, and they thought there had to be a major search or some build-up leading to the discovery. Because it is a huge discovery indeed, and it doesn’t feel earned that way.

Character dynamics

Metallic Rouge Should Have Been a Two-Cour Season Anime - image 2

Another sore spot for Metallic Rouge fans is the lack of interesting character dynamics. When they were first introduced, Rouge and Naomi seemed highly curious. Their dynamic was promising, and we thought it was going to be one of the driving forces of the series.

But it never happened, and many fans agree that this duo just doesn’t work for them due to the lack of development. If the anime had more episodes, it could afford to spend a couple of them on building up the relationship between its main protagonists.

Because right now there is little to no character attachment, and even Rouge and Naomi’s fall-out doesn't seem that impactful to the viewers. They see great potential in their relationship, but they just need more time to fall in love with them.