
Missed Opportunity: Why Undead Unluck is Considered a Flop

Missed Opportunity: Why Undead Unluck is Considered a Flop

Nice try, but there's a problem!


  • Undead Unluck didn't live up to expectations.
  • The anime appeals with its plot, fascinating characters, and skillful combination of drama and comedy.
  • Undead Unluck shows relatively weak views and sales.

Undead Unluck began airing in the fall of 2023. Many expected the anime to be a hit, as Tozuka Yoshifumi's manga has a promising plot. However, the title didn't live up to expectations. Despite the fact that the ratings of the anime are relatively high, and the project itself has many strengths, it is often called a flop. So what's the problem with this anime and what do viewers think about it?

Plot that deserves attention

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At the center of the story is a young girl named Fuuko Izumo. Her life is not like her peers: she is lonely and spends most of the time at home. Fuuko's problem is not her complex personality, but her superpower, which attracts misfortune to the people she touches. Distressed by fate, the girl decides to throw herself in front of a train, but she is stopped by a mysterious man who offers cooperation. The point is that he can't die so easily and for that he needs girl's help. The journey leads them to an organization that is engaged in the protection of humanity.

Undead Unluck certainly has its good sides. First of all, it's an interesting and expansive world. Heroes travel and perform tasks in different countries. A skillful combination of drama and comedy also stands out. All elements of the plot complement each other well. A well-developed plot has everything from a mysterious force that governs the world order to petty quarrels between the characters. Probably the biggest plus are the main characters, who look very vivid. They have their own story, problems, special personality features and motivation, so their development and movement towards the goal is interesting to watch.

What's wrong with Undead Unluck?

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Although many viewers stand up for Undead Unluck, there are problems that even fans recognize. This anime is very hard to get into. The first episodes, much like the first chapters of manga, can put the viewer off with their explicit conversations and expressive presentation. However, very soon this fades into the background and a really engaging story begins.

The real problem, according to viewers, is the popularity of the anime and its sales. While many would disagree that these factors are equally valid, the anime is performing pretty average compared to other new releases of the fall season. Perhaps the problem is that Hulu owns the exclusive rights to the show. Or maybe the plot is just gaining speed and it's too early to make assessments. If Undead Unluck can be called a flop now, it's only a flop of someone's specific expectations.

Nice try, but there's a problem!


  • Undead Unluck didn't live up to expectations.
  • The anime appeals with its plot, fascinating characters, and skillful combination of drama and comedy.
  • Undead Unluck shows relatively weak views and sales.

Undead Unluck began airing in the fall of 2023. Many expected the anime to be a hit, as Tozuka Yoshifumi's manga has a promising plot. However, the title didn't live up to expectations. Despite the fact that the ratings of the anime are relatively high, and the project itself has many strengths, it is often called a flop. So what's the problem with this anime and what do viewers think about it?

Plot that deserves attention

Missed Opportunity: Why Undead Unluck is Considered a Flop - image 1

At the center of the story is a young girl named Fuuko Izumo. Her life is not like her peers: she is lonely and spends most of the time at home. Fuuko's problem is not her complex personality, but her superpower, which attracts misfortune to the people she touches. Distressed by fate, the girl decides to throw herself in front of a train, but she is stopped by a mysterious man who offers cooperation. The point is that he can't die so easily and for that he needs girl's help. The journey leads them to an organization that is engaged in the protection of humanity.

Undead Unluck certainly has its good sides. First of all, it's an interesting and expansive world. Heroes travel and perform tasks in different countries. A skillful combination of drama and comedy also stands out. All elements of the plot complement each other well. A well-developed plot has everything from a mysterious force that governs the world order to petty quarrels between the characters. Probably the biggest plus are the main characters, who look very vivid. They have their own story, problems, special personality features and motivation, so their development and movement towards the goal is interesting to watch.

What's wrong with Undead Unluck?

Missed Opportunity: Why Undead Unluck is Considered a Flop - image 2

Although many viewers stand up for Undead Unluck, there are problems that even fans recognize. This anime is very hard to get into. The first episodes, much like the first chapters of manga, can put the viewer off with their explicit conversations and expressive presentation. However, very soon this fades into the background and a really engaging story begins.

The real problem, according to viewers, is the popularity of the anime and its sales. While many would disagree that these factors are equally valid, the anime is performing pretty average compared to other new releases of the fall season. Perhaps the problem is that Hulu owns the exclusive rights to the show. Or maybe the plot is just gaining speed and it's too early to make assessments. If Undead Unluck can be called a flop now, it's only a flop of someone's specific expectations.