
North No. 2 and Paul Duncan: How Episode 1 of Pluto is Already Enough to Make You Cry

North No. 2 and Paul Duncan: How Episode 1 of Pluto is Already Enough to Make You Cry

You don’t always need much to make you feel.


  • Pluto has become incredibly successful.
  • The anime tells us about a world where humans and robots coexist.
  • North No. 2 and Paul Duncan’s story is what made episode 1 so good.

Pluto has just aired, and it already seems to be talked about a lot. Some journalists are calling it the best anime this season, and some even go as far as saying that it’s the most engaging thing we’ve seen this year. Anyway, it’s impossible to deny that Pluto is a huge success. The ratings are so good, that it’s now no. 29 among all-time series on MyAnimeList.

What is Pluto?

Pluto portrays the future world where humans and robots live together. It’s not a type of story where the machines suddenly rise up and try to kill the humans; in Pluto people live with robots peacefully, taking care of each other. The story begins when a beloved robot, Montblanc, is destroyed by an unknown power. Gesicht is the detective, trying to investigate this case along with another murder, and he learns that other robots around the world are also in danger. But we’re not here to discuss the overall story of the anime today.

They are just side characters, but their story is incredible

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The first episode switches to a one-person story somewhere in the middle. We’re taken to Paul Duncan’s estate, where he hires a robot, North No. 2, as his butler. Paul is a songwriter who’s old and tired and has zero patience for anything or anyone else. When the robot shows interest in playing the piano, Duncan is irritated. He calls North No. 2 a weapon and claims that machines have no soul and cannot compose music.

Broken by his mother’s betrayal and thinking that robots are only good for murder and destruction, Paul is not eager to open his heart to anyone. Until North No. 2. This calm and stubborn robot proves that he can be trusted and helps Duncan deal with his past trauma. Their relationship develops slowly, but the songwriter decides to let North No. 2 into his heart, and that is how the man acquires a loyal companion. But not for long.

We can’t forget that something is destroying robots in the world, and North No. 2 becomes another victim of this power. And this is when fans say that they couldn't hold their tears any longer. The entire story of the songwriter and the robot was touching enough to pat your pockets in search of a tissue, but the heartbreaking ending just makes you bawl your eyes out.

The creators didn’t have to go this deep into a simple story of side characters, but we’re so happy they did. It really increased the impact of the events and made us want to find the killer much more.

You don’t always need much to make you feel.


  • Pluto has become incredibly successful.
  • The anime tells us about a world where humans and robots coexist.
  • North No. 2 and Paul Duncan’s story is what made episode 1 so good.

Pluto has just aired, and it already seems to be talked about a lot. Some journalists are calling it the best anime this season, and some even go as far as saying that it’s the most engaging thing we’ve seen this year. Anyway, it’s impossible to deny that Pluto is a huge success. The ratings are so good, that it’s now no. 29 among all-time series on MyAnimeList.

What is Pluto?

Pluto portrays the future world where humans and robots live together. It’s not a type of story where the machines suddenly rise up and try to kill the humans; in Pluto people live with robots peacefully, taking care of each other. The story begins when a beloved robot, Montblanc, is destroyed by an unknown power. Gesicht is the detective, trying to investigate this case along with another murder, and he learns that other robots around the world are also in danger. But we’re not here to discuss the overall story of the anime today.

They are just side characters, but their story is incredible

North No. 2 and Paul Duncan: How Episode 1 of Pluto is Already Enough to Make You Cry - image 1

The first episode switches to a one-person story somewhere in the middle. We’re taken to Paul Duncan’s estate, where he hires a robot, North No. 2, as his butler. Paul is a songwriter who’s old and tired and has zero patience for anything or anyone else. When the robot shows interest in playing the piano, Duncan is irritated. He calls North No. 2 a weapon and claims that machines have no soul and cannot compose music.

Broken by his mother’s betrayal and thinking that robots are only good for murder and destruction, Paul is not eager to open his heart to anyone. Until North No. 2. This calm and stubborn robot proves that he can be trusted and helps Duncan deal with his past trauma. Their relationship develops slowly, but the songwriter decides to let North No. 2 into his heart, and that is how the man acquires a loyal companion. But not for long.

We can’t forget that something is destroying robots in the world, and North No. 2 becomes another victim of this power. And this is when fans say that they couldn't hold their tears any longer. The entire story of the songwriter and the robot was touching enough to pat your pockets in search of a tissue, but the heartbreaking ending just makes you bawl your eyes out.

The creators didn’t have to go this deep into a simple story of side characters, but we’re so happy they did. It really increased the impact of the events and made us want to find the killer much more.