
One Piece Episode 1090 Drama, and What It Has to Do With Bonney

One Piece Episode 1090 Drama, and What It Has to Do With Bonney

First anime scandal of the year?


  • Episode 1090 portrayed Bonney in a highly sexualized manner.
  • Bonney is 12, so the fandom found this problematic.
  • An animator is getting harassed on social media.

One Piece feels like the type of fandom that’s already had all types of controversies due to how long the series is and for how much time it’s been around. And yet, even the veterans of anime can surprise us sometimes.

This time Episode 1090 became the reason for a huge commotion. The episode aired on January 14, and the fandom has been on fire ever since.

What happened?

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The fresh episode portrays one of the characters, Bonney, in a highly sexualized manner. Not only does she have huge breasts, but she remains topless on the screen for a good couple of minutes.

“So what?” you may ask. It’s not like we haven’t seen a sexualized female character in anime before. And you have a point. But this time the situation is more problematic because Bonney is 12 years old.

This fact naturally disgusted a lot of fans and caused an outrage in the fandom. Children shouldn’t be sexualized, people think, and portraying them like that is highly inappropriate.

Animators are getting harassed

Fans were so upset that they started taking action, and one of the animators who made a post about participating in the production of Episode 1090 as a key animator became their target. The animator got all types of insults on his page, and people question their right to be proud of the episode.

This, of course, also attracted a lot of the fandom’s attention. No matter what the situation is, Bonney is a fictional character. And fans are harassing a real person over her. They treat an actual person terribly while acting as if a fictional one really exists.

No reason to be upset

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The most frustrating thing about this controversy is that there aren’t really any reasons to be this angry. Fans seem to have forgotten that Bonney can alter her age and thus change her appearance at will due to her Devil Fruit ability. And the scene in Episode 1090 definitely portrays her older self.

Still, this is not a satisfying explanation even to those who are aware of this ability of Bonney’s. They claim that she still has the mental age of a 12-year-old and consider the entire situation highly problematic.

We can argue all day about whether Bonney adjusts her mentality to her age as well, but it’s important to see the difference between fiction and reality and not harass real people for something that’s happening to fictional ones.

First anime scandal of the year?


  • Episode 1090 portrayed Bonney in a highly sexualized manner.
  • Bonney is 12, so the fandom found this problematic.
  • An animator is getting harassed on social media.

One Piece feels like the type of fandom that’s already had all types of controversies due to how long the series is and for how much time it’s been around. And yet, even the veterans of anime can surprise us sometimes.

This time Episode 1090 became the reason for a huge commotion. The episode aired on January 14, and the fandom has been on fire ever since.

What happened?

One Piece Episode 1090 Drama, and What It Has to Do With Bonney - image 1

The fresh episode portrays one of the characters, Bonney, in a highly sexualized manner. Not only does she have huge breasts, but she remains topless on the screen for a good couple of minutes.

“So what?” you may ask. It’s not like we haven’t seen a sexualized female character in anime before. And you have a point. But this time the situation is more problematic because Bonney is 12 years old.

This fact naturally disgusted a lot of fans and caused an outrage in the fandom. Children shouldn’t be sexualized, people think, and portraying them like that is highly inappropriate.

Animators are getting harassed

Fans were so upset that they started taking action, and one of the animators who made a post about participating in the production of Episode 1090 as a key animator became their target. The animator got all types of insults on his page, and people question their right to be proud of the episode.

This, of course, also attracted a lot of the fandom’s attention. No matter what the situation is, Bonney is a fictional character. And fans are harassing a real person over her. They treat an actual person terribly while acting as if a fictional one really exists.

No reason to be upset

One Piece Episode 1090 Drama, and What It Has to Do With Bonney - image 2

The most frustrating thing about this controversy is that there aren’t really any reasons to be this angry. Fans seem to have forgotten that Bonney can alter her age and thus change her appearance at will due to her Devil Fruit ability. And the scene in Episode 1090 definitely portrays her older self.

Still, this is not a satisfying explanation even to those who are aware of this ability of Bonney’s. They claim that she still has the mental age of a 12-year-old and consider the entire situation highly problematic.

We can argue all day about whether Bonney adjusts her mentality to her age as well, but it’s important to see the difference between fiction and reality and not harass real people for something that’s happening to fictional ones.