
One Piece Live Action Did One Very Important Thing

One Piece Live Action Did One Very Important Thing

Can you guess which one?


  • One Piece is notorious for being super long.
  • That's why a lot of newbies stay away from it.
  • Live action adaptation made them interested in the anime.

One Piece is an absolute giant in the anime world. There's hardly anyone who has never heard of this series, and it's a no-brainer, the series is incredible, and thousands of fans will vouch for that.

However, this is also the scariest anime that can completely terrify a clueless newbie with the number of episodes it has. That's why there are so many people that prefer staying away from One Piece, not ready to commit to the series for 1000+ episodes.

What does it have to do with the live action adaptation, though?

A lot of live action adaptations based on manga and anime tend to be complete failures, that's why fans are usually extremely cautious when a new project like that is announced. One Piece live action got fans in mixed feelings as well.

However, the adaptation came out in 2023, and the reception was rather positive. Even some of the most devoted fans found a couple of good things to say about the series, and it even restored faith in humanity for some.

But the most important thing that the live action adaptation did was attract more attention to the anime series. “Like it needed more attention,” you may say sarcastically. But yeah, it did.

It gave viewers a glimpse of One Piece

The live action series showed viewers how great the world of One Piece is and how vivid and interesting its characters are. Netflix did something that so many One Piece fans failed to do: it made other people watch the anime.

A big number of fans admit that they were put off by One Piece's visuals, setting, art style and, most importantly, length, but then they decided to give the live action adaptation a chance, and it changed everything for them.

The live action series was that turning point that made newbies interested in the world of One Piece enough to want to find out what will happen next. And how can they do that? By watching the anime, of course!

And these fans are endlessly thankful to the live action series for that. Because it opened a new exciting world for them and forced them to start this incredible adventure. And once you start, 1000 episodes don't seem so frightening anymore.

Now we wonder if the One Piece anime remake that's announced to be in the works will also have a similar effect.

Can you guess which one?


  • One Piece is notorious for being super long.
  • That's why a lot of newbies stay away from it.
  • Live action adaptation made them interested in the anime.

One Piece is an absolute giant in the anime world. There's hardly anyone who has never heard of this series, and it's a no-brainer, the series is incredible, and thousands of fans will vouch for that.

However, this is also the scariest anime that can completely terrify a clueless newbie with the number of episodes it has. That's why there are so many people that prefer staying away from One Piece, not ready to commit to the series for 1000+ episodes.

What does it have to do with the live action adaptation, though?

A lot of live action adaptations based on manga and anime tend to be complete failures, that's why fans are usually extremely cautious when a new project like that is announced. One Piece live action got fans in mixed feelings as well.

However, the adaptation came out in 2023, and the reception was rather positive. Even some of the most devoted fans found a couple of good things to say about the series, and it even restored faith in humanity for some.

But the most important thing that the live action adaptation did was attract more attention to the anime series. “Like it needed more attention,” you may say sarcastically. But yeah, it did.

It gave viewers a glimpse of One Piece

The live action series showed viewers how great the world of One Piece is and how vivid and interesting its characters are. Netflix did something that so many One Piece fans failed to do: it made other people watch the anime.

A big number of fans admit that they were put off by One Piece's visuals, setting, art style and, most importantly, length, but then they decided to give the live action adaptation a chance, and it changed everything for them.

The live action series was that turning point that made newbies interested in the world of One Piece enough to want to find out what will happen next. And how can they do that? By watching the anime, of course!

And these fans are endlessly thankful to the live action series for that. Because it opened a new exciting world for them and forced them to start this incredible adventure. And once you start, 1000 episodes don't seem so frightening anymore.

Now we wonder if the One Piece anime remake that's announced to be in the works will also have a similar effect.