
Tatiana's Story is One of the Saddest in Undead Unluck, Here's Why

Tatiana's Story is One of the Saddest in Undead Unluck, Here's Why

What's behind the pile of iron?

Undead Unluck spoilers ahead!


  • There are many characters with complex fates in Undead Unluck.
  • Despite the seriousness, all the characters constantly act foolish.
  • Tatiana's fate stands out due to the sharp contrast between her outward appearance and vulnerable nature.

Undead Unluck is an intriguing anime of the fall 2023 season that is currently still airing. There are many characters with complex fates — each has their own unique and touching story. Everyone was immediately captivated by the story of Fuuko and Andy.

However, some may have noticed that the other Negators' storylines are just as sad. A quite good example is Tatiana.

Funny on the outside, touching on the inside

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The first thing that attracts us to Undead Unluck is its colorful and comedic elements. Despite the seriousness, all the characters are constantly joking around and acting silly. Even in the beginning, when Fuuko tries to kill herself, the whole situation is reduced to absurdity once Andy appears.

There are many such moments in Undead Unluck — seriousness bordering on humor. Even in the episode dedicated to human trafficking, the creators added ridiculousness and R-rated jokes about Fuuko's outfit.

Nevertheless, almost all of the characters' stories are very sad, and it's not just about the main protagonists. Of course, the focus is on Fuuko and Andy — they are two lonely people who are dissatisfied with their fate and try to achieve their goals with the help of each other.

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Fuuko has the ability to attract bad luck that has already affected her relatives. Andy cannot die peacefully because of his power.

The heroes are surrounded by similarly lonely people who cannot live normal lives because of their special abilities. Chikara, for example, cannot make friends, and Gina suffers from the burden of power and responsibility.

Only outwardly intimidating

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Recently, we learned more about a new character who appeared before. Tatiana is a member of the Union. She looks like a robot, but inside that armor is a little girl. Tatiana lived with her parents before joining the organization, but as in Fuuko's case, they suffered from her power.

After her relatives died, she ended up at an auction where she was rescued by another Negator and offered to join the Union.

Tatiana is a very traumatized person. Also, unlike the other characters, she is still a child who was left alone too soon. She has to wear armor due to the destructive power, so the girl has no friends.

Tatiana's fate is very similar to Fuuko's — they both lost loved ones and didn't want to live with their powers. Although Undead Unluck is generally a story about lonely people who are not accepted by society, Tatiana's fate stands out because of the sharp contrast between her outward appearance and her fragile, vulnerable nature.

What's behind the pile of iron?

Undead Unluck spoilers ahead!


  • There are many characters with complex fates in Undead Unluck.
  • Despite the seriousness, all the characters constantly act foolish.
  • Tatiana's fate stands out due to the sharp contrast between her outward appearance and vulnerable nature.

Undead Unluck is an intriguing anime of the fall 2023 season that is currently still airing. There are many characters with complex fates — each has their own unique and touching story. Everyone was immediately captivated by the story of Fuuko and Andy.

However, some may have noticed that the other Negators' storylines are just as sad. A quite good example is Tatiana.

Funny on the outside, touching on the inside

Tatiana's Story is One of the Saddest in Undead Unluck, Here's Why - image 1

The first thing that attracts us to Undead Unluck is its colorful and comedic elements. Despite the seriousness, all the characters are constantly joking around and acting silly. Even in the beginning, when Fuuko tries to kill herself, the whole situation is reduced to absurdity once Andy appears.

There are many such moments in Undead Unluck — seriousness bordering on humor. Even in the episode dedicated to human trafficking, the creators added ridiculousness and R-rated jokes about Fuuko's outfit.

Nevertheless, almost all of the characters' stories are very sad, and it's not just about the main protagonists. Of course, the focus is on Fuuko and Andy — they are two lonely people who are dissatisfied with their fate and try to achieve their goals with the help of each other.

Tatiana's Story is One of the Saddest in Undead Unluck, Here's Why - image 2

Fuuko has the ability to attract bad luck that has already affected her relatives. Andy cannot die peacefully because of his power.

The heroes are surrounded by similarly lonely people who cannot live normal lives because of their special abilities. Chikara, for example, cannot make friends, and Gina suffers from the burden of power and responsibility.

Only outwardly intimidating

Tatiana's Story is One of the Saddest in Undead Unluck, Here's Why - image 3

Recently, we learned more about a new character who appeared before. Tatiana is a member of the Union. She looks like a robot, but inside that armor is a little girl. Tatiana lived with her parents before joining the organization, but as in Fuuko's case, they suffered from her power.

After her relatives died, she ended up at an auction where she was rescued by another Negator and offered to join the Union.

Tatiana is a very traumatized person. Also, unlike the other characters, she is still a child who was left alone too soon. She has to wear armor due to the destructive power, so the girl has no friends.

Tatiana's fate is very similar to Fuuko's — they both lost loved ones and didn't want to live with their powers. Although Undead Unluck is generally a story about lonely people who are not accepted by society, Tatiana's fate stands out because of the sharp contrast between her outward appearance and her fragile, vulnerable nature.