
There's Reason Why Falin's Fate Wasn't So Shocking for Party Members in Dungeon Meshi

There's Reason Why Falin's Fate Wasn't So Shocking for Party Members in Dungeon Meshi

Don't worry, it's not because they're heartless.

Minor manga spoiler ahead!


  • Falin's party members seemed too nonchalant about her being devoured by a dragon.
  • It takes a lot of time for a dragon to digest someone.
  • Death doesn't work in the series the same way it does in the real world.

In case you've forgotten, the story of Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) starts with Laios' sister, Falin, getting devoured by a huge dragon.

But the viewers are not scared because they know they're watching a comedy series about cooking. However, what's puzzling is that characters don't seem to be scared, either. So why is it so?

Where's the rush?

All the party members are spending a lot of episodes in their search for the dragon and Falin, and many fans are rather confused by that. Isn't Falin dead already? After all, being eaten by a dragon is not something that usually promises you a “happily ever after.”

However, death in Dungeon Meshi works a little bit differently.

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First of all, it takes some time for a dragon to digest someone. We don't know how much time it really takes, but judging by the number of adventures Laios and the other party members are having, it will take a lot.

Death might be confusing in the series

On top of that, manga readers say that death in the dungeon is not definitive. Moreover, there are big hints that characters can be resurrected. Laios and Falin have both died at least once before, and yet they are back.

In Dungeon Meshi death is just a daily hazard, something that you can undo. Characters just need to have their full body for that, so that there will be someone to save, and they're good.

That's why the meaning of death in Dungeon Meshi is not the same that we have in the real world. Characters have experienced it so many times that they are now immune to it, and don't find it that frightening.

They understand that resurrection is a thing and even if Falin does indeed die, they'll still bring her back. But right now they need to concentrate on themselves (especially on feeding themselves) to be in the best possible shape for when it finally comes to defeating the dragon.

Manga readers also say that accepting the permanency and weight of death will become one of the themes in the series, and we will be given more perspective into how things work in this world. But for now just trust us when we say that Laios and the rest of the party members truly do care about Falin and her safety.

Don't worry, it's not because they're heartless.

Minor manga spoiler ahead!


  • Falin's party members seemed too nonchalant about her being devoured by a dragon.
  • It takes a lot of time for a dragon to digest someone.
  • Death doesn't work in the series the same way it does in the real world.

In case you've forgotten, the story of Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) starts with Laios' sister, Falin, getting devoured by a huge dragon.

But the viewers are not scared because they know they're watching a comedy series about cooking. However, what's puzzling is that characters don't seem to be scared, either. So why is it so?

Where's the rush?

All the party members are spending a lot of episodes in their search for the dragon and Falin, and many fans are rather confused by that. Isn't Falin dead already? After all, being eaten by a dragon is not something that usually promises you a “happily ever after.”

However, death in Dungeon Meshi works a little bit differently.

There's Reason Why Falin's Fate Wasn't So Shocking for Party Members in Dungeon Meshi - image 1

First of all, it takes some time for a dragon to digest someone. We don't know how much time it really takes, but judging by the number of adventures Laios and the other party members are having, it will take a lot.

Death might be confusing in the series

On top of that, manga readers say that death in the dungeon is not definitive. Moreover, there are big hints that characters can be resurrected. Laios and Falin have both died at least once before, and yet they are back.

In Dungeon Meshi death is just a daily hazard, something that you can undo. Characters just need to have their full body for that, so that there will be someone to save, and they're good.

That's why the meaning of death in Dungeon Meshi is not the same that we have in the real world. Characters have experienced it so many times that they are now immune to it, and don't find it that frightening.

They understand that resurrection is a thing and even if Falin does indeed die, they'll still bring her back. But right now they need to concentrate on themselves (especially on feeding themselves) to be in the best possible shape for when it finally comes to defeating the dragon.

Manga readers also say that accepting the permanency and weight of death will become one of the themes in the series, and we will be given more perspective into how things work in this world. But for now just trust us when we say that Laios and the rest of the party members truly do care about Falin and her safety.