
Things You Might Have Missed in the End Credits of Attack on Titan Finale

Things You Might Have Missed in the End Credits of Attack on Titan Finale

Who’s that man next to Mikasa?

Major Attack on Titan finale spoilers!


  • Extra manga pages are also included in the anime adaptation.
  • Mikasa might be married to Jean.
  • The war continues years after the finale of Attack on Titan.

The Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) finale has finally been released, and people cannot stop talking about it, which is, well, quite obvious. The reception of the final chapter of this story seems rather positive, but there are still some issues and unanswered questions about it.

Shortly after the end of the manga, Isayama released new extra pages to expand on the ending of the story. These pages were included in the anime adaptation as well, but weren’t really given much attention since you can see them during the end credits of the episode. Due to that, some things seem rather vague for anime onlys. And this is where manga readers have got your back.

Is that Jean?

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Years after Eren’s death, Mikasa attends his grave. She’s shown from the back, but there’s no doubt that it’s Mikasa herself: the woman has black hair and a scarf around her neck. The most interesting thing is that she’s not alone. There’s a baby in her arms and a man with a hand on her shoulder, which suggests that these are her husband and child. Fans have been arguing forever about who that man is, but the most obvious answer is… Jean!

The man’s haircut resembles Jean’s a lot, the hair color is the same, and it would just make sense that Jean would want to be with Mikasa since he’s had a huge crush on her from early chapters of the series.

Another peculiar scene is Mikasa’s funeral. The woman is lying in a coffin and still wearing the scarf. This was not only the way to show that it was no one else but Mikasa, but also a hint at the fact that she stays loyal to Eren up until her own death. We wonder what her husband thinks about that.

There are also hints on the fact that Mikasa is buried next to Eren, but it’s impossible to say for sure.

The war continues, the titan curse might be back

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Despite Eren’s efforts to stop the war and save Paradis, we can clearly see that people keep fighting. There’s military equipment next to the tree where Eren was buried and the frames of buildings being destroyed are shown. This all leads to the fact that the war comes back, and peace was not achieved for long.

The last scenes of the finale portray the world many years later. The surroundings look like a post-apocalyptic world where modern buildings are overgrown with plants and grass. A young boy stumbles across a tree which resembles the one that the founder Ymit found right before acquiring her titan powers. It might also be the tree where Eren was buried. No matter what the truth is, this all hints at the fact that the titan curse still exists and can be triggered.

Who’s that man next to Mikasa?

Major Attack on Titan finale spoilers!


  • Extra manga pages are also included in the anime adaptation.
  • Mikasa might be married to Jean.
  • The war continues years after the finale of Attack on Titan.

The Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) finale has finally been released, and people cannot stop talking about it, which is, well, quite obvious. The reception of the final chapter of this story seems rather positive, but there are still some issues and unanswered questions about it.

Shortly after the end of the manga, Isayama released new extra pages to expand on the ending of the story. These pages were included in the anime adaptation as well, but weren’t really given much attention since you can see them during the end credits of the episode. Due to that, some things seem rather vague for anime onlys. And this is where manga readers have got your back.

Is that Jean?

Things You Might Have Missed in the End Credits of Attack on Titan Finale - image 1

Years after Eren’s death, Mikasa attends his grave. She’s shown from the back, but there’s no doubt that it’s Mikasa herself: the woman has black hair and a scarf around her neck. The most interesting thing is that she’s not alone. There’s a baby in her arms and a man with a hand on her shoulder, which suggests that these are her husband and child. Fans have been arguing forever about who that man is, but the most obvious answer is… Jean!

The man’s haircut resembles Jean’s a lot, the hair color is the same, and it would just make sense that Jean would want to be with Mikasa since he’s had a huge crush on her from early chapters of the series.

Another peculiar scene is Mikasa’s funeral. The woman is lying in a coffin and still wearing the scarf. This was not only the way to show that it was no one else but Mikasa, but also a hint at the fact that she stays loyal to Eren up until her own death. We wonder what her husband thinks about that.

There are also hints on the fact that Mikasa is buried next to Eren, but it’s impossible to say for sure.

The war continues, the titan curse might be back

Things You Might Have Missed in the End Credits of Attack on Titan Finale - image 2

Despite Eren’s efforts to stop the war and save Paradis, we can clearly see that people keep fighting. There’s military equipment next to the tree where Eren was buried and the frames of buildings being destroyed are shown. This all leads to the fact that the war comes back, and peace was not achieved for long.

The last scenes of the finale portray the world many years later. The surroundings look like a post-apocalyptic world where modern buildings are overgrown with plants and grass. A young boy stumbles across a tree which resembles the one that the founder Ymit found right before acquiring her titan powers. It might also be the tree where Eren was buried. No matter what the truth is, this all hints at the fact that the titan curse still exists and can be triggered.