
Twilight Would Make a Great Harem Anime, Just Hear Us Out

Twilight Would Make a Great Harem Anime, Just Hear Us Out

Another possible “trashy” anime?


  • Despite having mixed reviews and being called a series for teenage girls, Twilight managed to become huge.
  • Twilight’s premise resembles harem anime a lot.
  • If genders were switched, Twilight would be more enjoyable in a harem anime format.

Twilight is one of the most famous vampire series out there, and it used to be incredibly big back in the days. It explores the story of a regular girl, Bella Swan, moving to a new town and meeting a mysterious boy, who turns out to be a vampire. Despite being extremely huge, Twilight received rather mixed reviews and was claimed to be a dumb series for teenage girls. You’d be surprised, but even now there are a couple of conversations about Twilight on social media, trying to drag the movies for their stupidity and problematic story decisions. Ten years after everyone stopped caring about the series!

Let’s just have some fun

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Yes, Twilight is not the epitome of masterful writing. Yes, it would be deemed extremely problematic if we tried to apply modern days morals to it. Yes, it’s just a story about how important it is to have a boyfriend. But we’re not looking for a series that can compete with Dostoevsky for the title of the deepest piece of writing. We’re talking about harem anime and having some fun.

Harem is an anime genre where the protagonist is surrounded by a group of characters, who are romantically interested in them. Most of the time we’re talking about a male protagonist surrounded by pretty girls. What does it have to do with Twilight, you may ask?

What if genders were swapped?

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It all started with a Redditor’s meme about characters's genders in Twilight being reversed. Bella would become a man (let’s call him Ben), and Edward and Jacob — women (hmm, Edith and Jacqueline?). We can throw even more women into the picture. Make not just a vampire and a werewolf chase after the main protagonist, add a demon, too!

On top of that, Bella is chased by more men in the series as well. Which would only emphasize the harem genre of such an anime. Of course, it will not add a new level of depth to Twilight, but it will definitely make it more engaging for the male audience to watch.

Harem anime are not there to be thought-provoking, they are often “trashy” and hilarious and made just for fun, which is a wonderful thing. And the setting and premise of Twilight would fit perfectly into it. The anime style specifics will get rid of the fake seriousness of the series and make Twilight overall more enjoyable. Add some insanity, cringe and eccentricity to it, and you’ll get a perfect guilty (or maybe not even guilty) pleasure anime to watch after a stressful day at work.

Another possible “trashy” anime?


  • Despite having mixed reviews and being called a series for teenage girls, Twilight managed to become huge.
  • Twilight’s premise resembles harem anime a lot.
  • If genders were switched, Twilight would be more enjoyable in a harem anime format.

Twilight is one of the most famous vampire series out there, and it used to be incredibly big back in the days. It explores the story of a regular girl, Bella Swan, moving to a new town and meeting a mysterious boy, who turns out to be a vampire. Despite being extremely huge, Twilight received rather mixed reviews and was claimed to be a dumb series for teenage girls. You’d be surprised, but even now there are a couple of conversations about Twilight on social media, trying to drag the movies for their stupidity and problematic story decisions. Ten years after everyone stopped caring about the series!

Let’s just have some fun

Twilight Would Make a Great Harem Anime, Just Hear Us Out - image 1

Yes, Twilight is not the epitome of masterful writing. Yes, it would be deemed extremely problematic if we tried to apply modern days morals to it. Yes, it’s just a story about how important it is to have a boyfriend. But we’re not looking for a series that can compete with Dostoevsky for the title of the deepest piece of writing. We’re talking about harem anime and having some fun.

Harem is an anime genre where the protagonist is surrounded by a group of characters, who are romantically interested in them. Most of the time we’re talking about a male protagonist surrounded by pretty girls. What does it have to do with Twilight, you may ask?

What if genders were swapped?

Twilight Would Make a Great Harem Anime, Just Hear Us Out - image 2

It all started with a Redditor’s meme about characters's genders in Twilight being reversed. Bella would become a man (let’s call him Ben), and Edward and Jacob — women (hmm, Edith and Jacqueline?). We can throw even more women into the picture. Make not just a vampire and a werewolf chase after the main protagonist, add a demon, too!

On top of that, Bella is chased by more men in the series as well. Which would only emphasize the harem genre of such an anime. Of course, it will not add a new level of depth to Twilight, but it will definitely make it more engaging for the male audience to watch.

Harem anime are not there to be thought-provoking, they are often “trashy” and hilarious and made just for fun, which is a wonderful thing. And the setting and premise of Twilight would fit perfectly into it. The anime style specifics will get rid of the fake seriousness of the series and make Twilight overall more enjoyable. Add some insanity, cringe and eccentricity to it, and you’ll get a perfect guilty (or maybe not even guilty) pleasure anime to watch after a stressful day at work.