
Undead Unluck: What Makes Anime About Death So Life-affirming

Undead Unluck: What Makes Anime About Death So Life-affirming

Don't be frightened, it's all right!


  • For some viewers such a concentration on death seems strange and even repulsive.
  • The main character's life was not marked by happy moments, on the contrary, she saw many deaths of beloved people.
  • The over-concentration on the subject produces the opposite effect, as the viewer stops perceiving the events as they are.

The anime adaptation of Tozuka Yoshifumi's manga Undead Unluck premiered in October 2023. From the first minutes, the anime is immersed in the atmosphere of death, as the character who wants to throw herself in front of a train appears on screen. Although many such moments are spiced with comedic elements, for some viewers such a strong concentration on death looks strange and even repulsive. But that's only on the surface. In fact, Undead Unluck is a pretty life-affirming anime, and here's why.

Why is this story so pessimistic?

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Let's start with Undead Unluck's main characters. Fuuko Izumo is a young girl who grew up at home and was afraid of contact with people. Her parents died in a plane crash when she was still a child. The girl's life was not marked by happy moments, on the contrary, she saw many deaths of beloved people. The reason is that Fuuko attracts misfortunes, and it works on those whom the girl touches. Disappointed in her life, Fuuko decided to commit suicide to end the series of misfortunes, but she was stopped by a mysterious stranger.

The second central character of Undead Unluck is an undead male. His ability doesn't curse others, but it brings discomfort to himself. Andy, as Fuuko has named him, cannot die. Even if he has serious wounds, his body will recover and he will continue to live. But Andy really wants to die, so he decides to team up with Fuuko to get her to cause trouble. With this seemingly strange arrangement, their journey begins.

It's actually very optimistic

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Of course, there's a lot of death in Undead Unluck. It is dreamed of by the main characters, some minor characters and it is always present on the screen. Anime begins with thoughts of death and continues as the main character never stops talking about his ultimate goal and does everything to bring it closer. Each character's reasons are different: some are tired of life, some are tired of injustice, and some are tired of hard work. However, Undead Unluck at the same time acts as an ode to life.

Soon after the characters meet, Fuuko confesses that she doesn't really want to die, she just didn't see any other way out. The over-concentration on the subject has the opposite effect, as the viewer stops perceiving the events as they are. The combination with comedy also makes the tone of the anime less tragic and more light-hearted. Slowly, characters distance themselves from the tragic details of their lives and move on, and their journey gives them new reasons to live and enjoy life. Fuuko makes friends she never had before and discovers the beauty of new places. Andy is less transformed in this regard, but he also gains purpose in the form of a new friend who attracts him with her kindness and childlike naivety.

Don't be frightened, it's all right!


  • For some viewers such a concentration on death seems strange and even repulsive.
  • The main character's life was not marked by happy moments, on the contrary, she saw many deaths of beloved people.
  • The over-concentration on the subject produces the opposite effect, as the viewer stops perceiving the events as they are.

The anime adaptation of Tozuka Yoshifumi's manga Undead Unluck premiered in October 2023. From the first minutes, the anime is immersed in the atmosphere of death, as the character who wants to throw herself in front of a train appears on screen. Although many such moments are spiced with comedic elements, for some viewers such a strong concentration on death looks strange and even repulsive. But that's only on the surface. In fact, Undead Unluck is a pretty life-affirming anime, and here's why.

Why is this story so pessimistic?

Undead Unluck: What Makes Anime About Death So Life-affirming - image 1

Let's start with Undead Unluck's main characters. Fuuko Izumo is a young girl who grew up at home and was afraid of contact with people. Her parents died in a plane crash when she was still a child. The girl's life was not marked by happy moments, on the contrary, she saw many deaths of beloved people. The reason is that Fuuko attracts misfortunes, and it works on those whom the girl touches. Disappointed in her life, Fuuko decided to commit suicide to end the series of misfortunes, but she was stopped by a mysterious stranger.

The second central character of Undead Unluck is an undead male. His ability doesn't curse others, but it brings discomfort to himself. Andy, as Fuuko has named him, cannot die. Even if he has serious wounds, his body will recover and he will continue to live. But Andy really wants to die, so he decides to team up with Fuuko to get her to cause trouble. With this seemingly strange arrangement, their journey begins.

It's actually very optimistic

Undead Unluck: What Makes Anime About Death So Life-affirming - image 2

Of course, there's a lot of death in Undead Unluck. It is dreamed of by the main characters, some minor characters and it is always present on the screen. Anime begins with thoughts of death and continues as the main character never stops talking about his ultimate goal and does everything to bring it closer. Each character's reasons are different: some are tired of life, some are tired of injustice, and some are tired of hard work. However, Undead Unluck at the same time acts as an ode to life.

Soon after the characters meet, Fuuko confesses that she doesn't really want to die, she just didn't see any other way out. The over-concentration on the subject has the opposite effect, as the viewer stops perceiving the events as they are. The combination with comedy also makes the tone of the anime less tragic and more light-hearted. Slowly, characters distance themselves from the tragic details of their lives and move on, and their journey gives them new reasons to live and enjoy life. Fuuko makes friends she never had before and discovers the beauty of new places. Andy is less transformed in this regard, but he also gains purpose in the form of a new friend who attracts him with her kindness and childlike naivety.