
Want a Dungeon Meshi Cookbook? Fans Already Made One

Want a Dungeon Meshi Cookbook? Fans Already Made One

Would you like to cook some slimes?


  • The Dungeon Meshi manga has all the recipes in it.
  • They all include monsters.
  • A tumblr user suggested real-life ingredient substitutes for some of them.
  • This makes the idea of a real Dungeon Meshi cookbook very appealing.

Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) does a lot of things right, and making you hungry and evoking the desire to cook are definitely among them.

Watching Senshi masterfully cook monsters is one of the best parts of the series, and you can’t help but want to be just as good as him. The only problem, though, is that it’s much more difficult to find all those peculiar monsters in real life.

The manga includes recipes

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The Dungeon Meshi manga has everything you need to make a delicious dinner for your family: all the ingredients are listed in its chapters, and the story will tell you how to cook them. But the question still remains: where are we to find a couple of slimes or the magic armor that would be perfect for the meal?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a real cookbook based on Dungeon Meshi, but we hope that it’s coming one day. Come on, they have one for Hannibal, why not make one for Dungeon Meshi as well?

But what we can do is imagine, fantasize and be creative with the source material.

Tumblr has your back

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Tumblr user Vaporwave Daydream has some ideas when it comes to transferring the Dungeon Meshi recipes to real life, and they’ve already tried to make some of the meals. If they can do it, so can you!

There are a lot of ingredients that can be found in real life, but the main problem is monsters. When it comes to cute little monster mushrooms, the logic is pretty simple: just replace them with real mushrooms, and you’re done. But what are we going to do with more curious ones?

Vaporwave Daydream suggests replacing scorpions with lobsters, and that sounds like a great idea! Of course, you can find scorpions in real life, but we wouldn’t really advise using them while cooking. So lobster does sound much better.

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Basilisk is also an easy one to find an equivalent to. Remember what it looked like in the series? That’s right, like a combination of a chicken with a lizard or even a snake. Let’s leave eating snakes to the brave and just use chicken instead.

And if it has always been your dream to cook a mandrake, Vaporwave Daydream has your back again: potatoes may come in handy instead.

What all of these peculiar recipes do best (apart from making us hungry and giving us cooking ideas) is making us want to have an actual Dungeon Meshi cookbook even more. And we hope that this dream will indeed come true one day

Would you like to cook some slimes?


  • The Dungeon Meshi manga has all the recipes in it.
  • They all include monsters.
  • A tumblr user suggested real-life ingredient substitutes for some of them.
  • This makes the idea of a real Dungeon Meshi cookbook very appealing.

Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) does a lot of things right, and making you hungry and evoking the desire to cook are definitely among them.

Watching Senshi masterfully cook monsters is one of the best parts of the series, and you can’t help but want to be just as good as him. The only problem, though, is that it’s much more difficult to find all those peculiar monsters in real life.

The manga includes recipes

Want a Dungeon Meshi Cookbook? Fans Already Made One - image 1

The Dungeon Meshi manga has everything you need to make a delicious dinner for your family: all the ingredients are listed in its chapters, and the story will tell you how to cook them. But the question still remains: where are we to find a couple of slimes or the magic armor that would be perfect for the meal?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a real cookbook based on Dungeon Meshi, but we hope that it’s coming one day. Come on, they have one for Hannibal, why not make one for Dungeon Meshi as well?

But what we can do is imagine, fantasize and be creative with the source material.

Tumblr has your back

Want a Dungeon Meshi Cookbook? Fans Already Made One - image 2

Tumblr user Vaporwave Daydream has some ideas when it comes to transferring the Dungeon Meshi recipes to real life, and they’ve already tried to make some of the meals. If they can do it, so can you!

There are a lot of ingredients that can be found in real life, but the main problem is monsters. When it comes to cute little monster mushrooms, the logic is pretty simple: just replace them with real mushrooms, and you’re done. But what are we going to do with more curious ones?

Vaporwave Daydream suggests replacing scorpions with lobsters, and that sounds like a great idea! Of course, you can find scorpions in real life, but we wouldn’t really advise using them while cooking. So lobster does sound much better.

Want a Dungeon Meshi Cookbook? Fans Already Made One - image 3

Basilisk is also an easy one to find an equivalent to. Remember what it looked like in the series? That’s right, like a combination of a chicken with a lizard or even a snake. Let’s leave eating snakes to the brave and just use chicken instead.

And if it has always been your dream to cook a mandrake, Vaporwave Daydream has your back again: potatoes may come in handy instead.

What all of these peculiar recipes do best (apart from making us hungry and giving us cooking ideas) is making us want to have an actual Dungeon Meshi cookbook even more. And we hope that this dream will indeed come true one day