
We Don’t Talk Enough About This One Relationship in Attack on Titan

We Don’t Talk Enough About This One Relationship in Attack on Titan

Enough with shipping! Give us true friendship.


  • The friendship between Mikasa and Armin is underrated.
  • They care a lot about each other and always want to help each other.
  • Fans wanted more exploration of their friendship.

While everyone is fighting over Eremika and Erehisu, we think it’s time to remember the friendship between Armin and Mikasa in Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin).

Everyone knows that Mikasa loves Eren, it became pretty obvious back in Season 1. There’s nothing to even be talking about anymore. However, her relationship with Armin is often forgotten, but the two are among the closest people to each other.

Armin and Mikasa’s friendship seems like an unlikely thing to happen, but that makes it even better. Their love and care for Eren was what made them so close, and fans are very happy that it happened.

It was important for Mikasa’s development

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No matter how much of a strong female character Mikasa is, the first thing that fans think about when they hear her name is Eren. It’s like her entire personality is about Eren, and it’s upsetting. Sometimes it feels like she doesn’t even care about anything else, and it’s not true. And Armin is the proof.

Despite the fact that their relationship was never paid much attention to, we can see how much they truly care about each other. Mikasa got so upset when she thought Armin might die that she charged at Levi and attacked him just to get the cure for her friend.

It shows us that Mikasa is not just a killing machine, having Eren and only Eren on her mind, she has other emotions and other people she cares for. And Armin is very dear to her.

Their bond is special

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Armin is also extremely protective of Mikasa. He cannot show it on the battlefield due to his lack of fighting skills, but we can see how much he cares for her when he rushes to punch Eren who insults Mikasa.

Mikasa and Armin’s friendship is one of the best in the entire series. Armin was the one who always managed to calm Mikasa down, give her hope and force her to think rationally. And she really listened to him.

If Armin is in danger, Mikasa rushes to the rescue. It happens less often than her saving Eren, but this is easily explained: Armin is much more seldom in danger.

That’s why it’s so upsetting for the fans that this friendship wasn’t explored much in the series. They saw great potential in the relationship between these two and wanted more details and scenes that would give us more perspective on Mikasa and Armin.

Enough with shipping! Give us true friendship.


  • The friendship between Mikasa and Armin is underrated.
  • They care a lot about each other and always want to help each other.
  • Fans wanted more exploration of their friendship.

While everyone is fighting over Eremika and Erehisu, we think it’s time to remember the friendship between Armin and Mikasa in Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin).

Everyone knows that Mikasa loves Eren, it became pretty obvious back in Season 1. There’s nothing to even be talking about anymore. However, her relationship with Armin is often forgotten, but the two are among the closest people to each other.

Armin and Mikasa’s friendship seems like an unlikely thing to happen, but that makes it even better. Their love and care for Eren was what made them so close, and fans are very happy that it happened.

It was important for Mikasa’s development

We Don’t Talk Enough About This One Relationship in Attack on Titan - image 1

No matter how much of a strong female character Mikasa is, the first thing that fans think about when they hear her name is Eren. It’s like her entire personality is about Eren, and it’s upsetting. Sometimes it feels like she doesn’t even care about anything else, and it’s not true. And Armin is the proof.

Despite the fact that their relationship was never paid much attention to, we can see how much they truly care about each other. Mikasa got so upset when she thought Armin might die that she charged at Levi and attacked him just to get the cure for her friend.

It shows us that Mikasa is not just a killing machine, having Eren and only Eren on her mind, she has other emotions and other people she cares for. And Armin is very dear to her.

Their bond is special

We Don’t Talk Enough About This One Relationship in Attack on Titan - image 2

Armin is also extremely protective of Mikasa. He cannot show it on the battlefield due to his lack of fighting skills, but we can see how much he cares for her when he rushes to punch Eren who insults Mikasa.

Mikasa and Armin’s friendship is one of the best in the entire series. Armin was the one who always managed to calm Mikasa down, give her hope and force her to think rationally. And she really listened to him.

If Armin is in danger, Mikasa rushes to the rescue. It happens less often than her saving Eren, but this is easily explained: Armin is much more seldom in danger.

That’s why it’s so upsetting for the fans that this friendship wasn’t explored much in the series. They saw great potential in the relationship between these two and wanted more details and scenes that would give us more perspective on Mikasa and Armin.