
What Are Akutami Gege’s Plans After Jujutsu Kaisen Is Finished?

What Are Akutami Gege’s Plans After Jujutsu Kaisen Is Finished?

Will there ever be another series by him?


  • The Jujutsu Kaisen manga is said to end in 2024.
  • Fans are curious if Gege has another project in mind.
  • There have been rumors about him starting an idol manga after Jujutsu Kaisen is finished.

The Jujutsu Kaisen manga is yet to be finished but fans have been talking about the series gradually coming to its end for months now.

The manga has 248 chapters as of now, and fans have speculated that by the time the manga is finished the Shibuya Incident Arc will be somewhere in the middle of the story. The arc ends in Chapter 136, so if we do some quick math, we’ll understand that there are 20-30 chapters left until the end.

Gege Akutami has confirmed the prediction, and his recent announcement about the manga ending in 2024 made readers super excited. However, this is not the first time the mangaka is talking about the finale, so we don’t know if we can actually trust him this time. But all the clues hint at the fact that we can.

What’s next?

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Let’s imagine that it is indeed true, and Jujutsu Kaisen will reach its finale in 2024. First of all, it will probably happen in late 2024, so of course we shouldn’t expect something new from Gege this year.

He’ll definitely need time to rest and deal with the fans’ reaction to the ending. And we’re fairly confident that there will be a loud reaction. It’s Jujutsu Kaisen we’re talking about!

But is there going to ever be a new manga series from Gege? Fans think that there is, they just don’t know what it’s going to be like.

An idol manga?

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Gege once mentioned his desire to write an idol manga after Jujutsu Kaisen is over. It was a long time ago, so we don’t know if he’s changed his mind or even if he was 100% serious about that. But fans think this is an awesome idea.

An idol manga series sounds like something completely opposite of what Jujutsu Kaisen is. It’s always interesting to see how the same author can approach two entirely different projects. An idol manga also sounds more relaxing to write, so it will be great for the mangaka as well.

It goes without saying that fans really enjoy the Jujutsu Kaisen manga and love its world and characters, so they have great faith in Gege and his writing abilities. So it doesn’t even matter if his new project will be an idol manga or something else, they will be reading it regardless.

Will there ever be another series by him?


  • The Jujutsu Kaisen manga is said to end in 2024.
  • Fans are curious if Gege has another project in mind.
  • There have been rumors about him starting an idol manga after Jujutsu Kaisen is finished.

The Jujutsu Kaisen manga is yet to be finished but fans have been talking about the series gradually coming to its end for months now.

The manga has 248 chapters as of now, and fans have speculated that by the time the manga is finished the Shibuya Incident Arc will be somewhere in the middle of the story. The arc ends in Chapter 136, so if we do some quick math, we’ll understand that there are 20-30 chapters left until the end.

Gege Akutami has confirmed the prediction, and his recent announcement about the manga ending in 2024 made readers super excited. However, this is not the first time the mangaka is talking about the finale, so we don’t know if we can actually trust him this time. But all the clues hint at the fact that we can.

What’s next?

What Are Akutami Gege’s Plans After Jujutsu Kaisen Is Finished? - image 1

Let’s imagine that it is indeed true, and Jujutsu Kaisen will reach its finale in 2024. First of all, it will probably happen in late 2024, so of course we shouldn’t expect something new from Gege this year.

He’ll definitely need time to rest and deal with the fans’ reaction to the ending. And we’re fairly confident that there will be a loud reaction. It’s Jujutsu Kaisen we’re talking about!

But is there going to ever be a new manga series from Gege? Fans think that there is, they just don’t know what it’s going to be like.

An idol manga?

What Are Akutami Gege’s Plans After Jujutsu Kaisen Is Finished? - image 2

Gege once mentioned his desire to write an idol manga after Jujutsu Kaisen is over. It was a long time ago, so we don’t know if he’s changed his mind or even if he was 100% serious about that. But fans think this is an awesome idea.

An idol manga series sounds like something completely opposite of what Jujutsu Kaisen is. It’s always interesting to see how the same author can approach two entirely different projects. An idol manga also sounds more relaxing to write, so it will be great for the mangaka as well.

It goes without saying that fans really enjoy the Jujutsu Kaisen manga and love its world and characters, so they have great faith in Gege and his writing abilities. So it doesn’t even matter if his new project will be an idol manga or something else, they will be reading it regardless.