
What’s Wrong With The Death Note Anime Ending?

What’s Wrong With The Death Note Anime Ending?

What are the fans upset about?

Death Note spoilers ahead!

Endings have always been a very crucial part of any story, be it a movie, a series, a video game, an anime or a book. If you are left unsatisfied with the way a story ends, it might even ruin the series for you. Let's analyze if this is the case with the Death Note anime ending.

Before talking about the ending, we have to mention that there are two main camps of viewers and thus two sets of expectations for the story finale. There are fans who support Light and wish to see him succeed, and there are L fans who are on the side of the law and desire to see Light defeated. However, the problem is that the ending doesn't really work perfectly for either camp.

If you're one of Light's supporters, it's obvious why the ending wasn't your cup of tea. The entire story has been Light's victory after victory, his intricate plans always perfect (or at least at the verge of it), and just when it seems like he might actually win and have no one in his way of becoming the god of the new world… he loses! Your disappointment is immeasurable and your day is ruined!

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However, those who have been looking forward to that outcome are also not entirely pleased. For most fans Death Note wasn't just the issue of Light winning or Light losing, it was also a story about L, whom they loved dearly, and many fans (even Team Light ones!) agree that after his death the anime went downhill. The cat-and-mouse chase between these two characters was the core of the series, and fans didn't see the point of going on after one of the geniuses' death.

L's death was a shock to all the viewers and it seemed logical that if L were to lose, Light would win. But that was not the case of Death Note.

We were given two L's successors who followed in his steps but fans agree that they were never as charismatic and compelling as L. Some even call Near and Mello "lame knock offs of L".

However, manga readers suggest reading the source material instead. They say that the manga portrayed Near and Mello in a different way, and they look nothing like simple L knock offs. They also add that these two characters were crucial for the story and Death Note wouldn't have nearly as many complex themes if not for L's death and his successors' presence.

With that said, Death Note is still an outstanding journey, and the fans agree that no matter what the ending of the anime is, this series is phenomenal and has become a classic that can be recommended to anyone even now.

Source: Reddit

What are the fans upset about?

Death Note spoilers ahead!

Endings have always been a very crucial part of any story, be it a movie, a series, a video game, an anime or a book. If you are left unsatisfied with the way a story ends, it might even ruin the series for you. Let's analyze if this is the case with the Death Note anime ending.

Before talking about the ending, we have to mention that there are two main camps of viewers and thus two sets of expectations for the story finale. There are fans who support Light and wish to see him succeed, and there are L fans who are on the side of the law and desire to see Light defeated. However, the problem is that the ending doesn't really work perfectly for either camp.

If you're one of Light's supporters, it's obvious why the ending wasn't your cup of tea. The entire story has been Light's victory after victory, his intricate plans always perfect (or at least at the verge of it), and just when it seems like he might actually win and have no one in his way of becoming the god of the new world… he loses! Your disappointment is immeasurable and your day is ruined!

What’s Wrong With The Death Note Anime Ending? - image 1

However, those who have been looking forward to that outcome are also not entirely pleased. For most fans Death Note wasn't just the issue of Light winning or Light losing, it was also a story about L, whom they loved dearly, and many fans (even Team Light ones!) agree that after his death the anime went downhill. The cat-and-mouse chase between these two characters was the core of the series, and fans didn't see the point of going on after one of the geniuses' death.

L's death was a shock to all the viewers and it seemed logical that if L were to lose, Light would win. But that was not the case of Death Note.

We were given two L's successors who followed in his steps but fans agree that they were never as charismatic and compelling as L. Some even call Near and Mello "lame knock offs of L".

However, manga readers suggest reading the source material instead. They say that the manga portrayed Near and Mello in a different way, and they look nothing like simple L knock offs. They also add that these two characters were crucial for the story and Death Note wouldn't have nearly as many complex themes if not for L's death and his successors' presence.

With that said, Death Note is still an outstanding journey, and the fans agree that no matter what the ending of the anime is, this series is phenomenal and has become a classic that can be recommended to anyone even now.

Source: Reddit