
Why You Should Watch Anime In Japanese

Why You Should Watch Anime In Japanese

Humble advice on how original dubbing can benefit you.

We all here love watching anime, but different people prefer different ways of watching it. Do you watch it in Japanese with subtitles in your native language? Do you choose the English dub? Is it easier for you to listen to the voices in another language? Or are you one of those megaminds that is fluent in Japanese and doesn't even need subtitles?

Let’s get this straight from the beginning: you can watch anime (or any other media) however you like, no one is gonna judge you. However, there are some advantages to choosing the original voiceovers. So shall we talk about them?

First of all, let’s start with one of the distinctive features of anime: emotion. If you’ve been watching anime for some time now, you’ve probably noticed that Japanese anime is always full of emotion, screaming and sometimes even overacting. It may sound like a bad thing, but in reality it’s not! A lot of fans say that this is actually one of the reasons they love anime so much. We’re not saying that other languages are not as emotional as Japanese, it’s just that the original voiceovers are always a little bit better, no matter what language the source is in.

The second reason can be quite obvious but it’s… learning the language! It might seem weird to you because you’ve come here just to watch a show, to relax and not to study, but hear us out. You may find learning the language this way impossible at first, but have some faith. After a couple of episodes you’ll be able to say the simplest words, and after a couple of months you’ll be noticing familiar phrases here and there. It’s not gonna help you learn the hieroglyphs, but that’s definitely a start!

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Another reason is not that bright or educational. Unfortunately, the reason is bad dubbing. If your native language is English, then you’re luckier than many other people because some countries don’t even have proper dubbing, but still even English dubbing can be quite odd at times. By the way, the quality of dubbing is very crucial when it comes to immersion. You’ll believe the characters more and it’s gonna be easier for you to relate to them when you feel immersed.

In other words, watching anime in Japanese may bring you a fresh new experience and may even surprise you if you give it a try. But let’s not forget that first of all anime is supposed to be fun so if you feel like it’s not your cup of tea, don’t feel pressured to do so.

Humble advice on how original dubbing can benefit you.

We all here love watching anime, but different people prefer different ways of watching it. Do you watch it in Japanese with subtitles in your native language? Do you choose the English dub? Is it easier for you to listen to the voices in another language? Or are you one of those megaminds that is fluent in Japanese and doesn't even need subtitles?

Let’s get this straight from the beginning: you can watch anime (or any other media) however you like, no one is gonna judge you. However, there are some advantages to choosing the original voiceovers. So shall we talk about them?

First of all, let’s start with one of the distinctive features of anime: emotion. If you’ve been watching anime for some time now, you’ve probably noticed that Japanese anime is always full of emotion, screaming and sometimes even overacting. It may sound like a bad thing, but in reality it’s not! A lot of fans say that this is actually one of the reasons they love anime so much. We’re not saying that other languages are not as emotional as Japanese, it’s just that the original voiceovers are always a little bit better, no matter what language the source is in.

The second reason can be quite obvious but it’s… learning the language! It might seem weird to you because you’ve come here just to watch a show, to relax and not to study, but hear us out. You may find learning the language this way impossible at first, but have some faith. After a couple of episodes you’ll be able to say the simplest words, and after a couple of months you’ll be noticing familiar phrases here and there. It’s not gonna help you learn the hieroglyphs, but that’s definitely a start!

Why You Should Watch Anime In Japanese - image 1

Another reason is not that bright or educational. Unfortunately, the reason is bad dubbing. If your native language is English, then you’re luckier than many other people because some countries don’t even have proper dubbing, but still even English dubbing can be quite odd at times. By the way, the quality of dubbing is very crucial when it comes to immersion. You’ll believe the characters more and it’s gonna be easier for you to relate to them when you feel immersed.

In other words, watching anime in Japanese may bring you a fresh new experience and may even surprise you if you give it a try. But let’s not forget that first of all anime is supposed to be fun so if you feel like it’s not your cup of tea, don’t feel pressured to do so.