
Will Kaiju No. 8 Remain Silly or Should We Expect a Tone Shift?

Will Kaiju No. 8 Remain Silly or Should We Expect a Tone Shift?

The series has chosen a rather comedic approach, but how long will it last?


  • There was a lot of humor in the first episodes of Kaiju No. 8.
  • The series will keep this aspect.
  • It’s the perfect balance between action and comedy.

With quite an impressive score of 8.26 on MyAnimeList, it’s fair to say that the Kaiju No. 8 (Kaijuu 8-gou) anime adaptation has been going strong so far. Of course, there’ve been only a couple of episodes, so the series can easily change, but do we really want it to?

A Lot of Humor Sets the Vibe of the Series

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When you look at the Kaiju No. 8 genres and read its synopsis, comedy is far from the first thing that comes to mind. You expect the anime to be a serious, gory and perhaps even frightening experience.

But when you actually start watching it, you’re completely surprised by the anime’s quirky vibe. There are so many gags that it’s easy to think you’re watching a comedy series with some kaiju stuff in the background.

In this sense, Kaiju No. 8 is giving off some serious One Punch Man vibes. The things happening on your screen are far from being funny, there are monsters, fights and gore, but the anime is trying hard to make you laugh for a good portion of an episode, and succeeds.

Viewers expected some high-stake action and drama from Kaiju No. 8 with Kafka struggling with his new identity and trying to flee from the Defense Corps to save his life and keep living in the shadows.

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But not only does he not hide, but also comes back to work as if nothing's happened and keeps living among humans and doing his sweeper job. Which is also used as a chance for some gags.

So Is It an Action Shounen or a Comedy?

Manga readers answer this question in a simple way: it’s sort of both. Kaiju No. 8 knows how to keep the balance and take the best of both worlds.

When it’s necessary and the story gets darker, the anime will become more serious and even brutal. There will be stakes, there will be gore, there will be action, so don’t worry, all those typical aspects that we love about shounens are on their way.

But the humor won’t be entirely forgotten, either. There will be a healthy balance between these two sides of Kaiju No. 8, so you shouldn’t be nervous about the series turning into a dumb comedy. It knows when the right moment to stop is.

Moreover, all those silly moments never ruin the experience, the humor in the series is executed well and will only be in the places where it’s appropriate. Kaiju No. 8 won’t lose its charm and will remain a perfect balance of funny and serious.

Would you like Kaiju No. 8 to be more serious?

The series has chosen a rather comedic approach, but how long will it last?


  • There was a lot of humor in the first episodes of Kaiju No. 8.
  • The series will keep this aspect.
  • It’s the perfect balance between action and comedy.

With quite an impressive score of 8.26 on MyAnimeList, it’s fair to say that the Kaiju No. 8 (Kaijuu 8-gou) anime adaptation has been going strong so far. Of course, there’ve been only a couple of episodes, so the series can easily change, but do we really want it to?

A Lot of Humor Sets the Vibe of the Series

Will Kaiju No. 8 Remain Silly or Should We Expect a Tone Shift? - image 1

When you look at the Kaiju No. 8 genres and read its synopsis, comedy is far from the first thing that comes to mind. You expect the anime to be a serious, gory and perhaps even frightening experience.

But when you actually start watching it, you’re completely surprised by the anime’s quirky vibe. There are so many gags that it’s easy to think you’re watching a comedy series with some kaiju stuff in the background.

In this sense, Kaiju No. 8 is giving off some serious One Punch Man vibes. The things happening on your screen are far from being funny, there are monsters, fights and gore, but the anime is trying hard to make you laugh for a good portion of an episode, and succeeds.

Viewers expected some high-stake action and drama from Kaiju No. 8 with Kafka struggling with his new identity and trying to flee from the Defense Corps to save his life and keep living in the shadows.

Will Kaiju No. 8 Remain Silly or Should We Expect a Tone Shift? - image 2

But not only does he not hide, but also comes back to work as if nothing's happened and keeps living among humans and doing his sweeper job. Which is also used as a chance for some gags.

So Is It an Action Shounen or a Comedy?

Manga readers answer this question in a simple way: it’s sort of both. Kaiju No. 8 knows how to keep the balance and take the best of both worlds.

When it’s necessary and the story gets darker, the anime will become more serious and even brutal. There will be stakes, there will be gore, there will be action, so don’t worry, all those typical aspects that we love about shounens are on their way.

But the humor won’t be entirely forgotten, either. There will be a healthy balance between these two sides of Kaiju No. 8, so you shouldn’t be nervous about the series turning into a dumb comedy. It knows when the right moment to stop is.

Moreover, all those silly moments never ruin the experience, the humor in the series is executed well and will only be in the places where it’s appropriate. Kaiju No. 8 won’t lose its charm and will remain a perfect balance of funny and serious.

Would you like Kaiju No. 8 to be more serious?