6 Smartest Anime Characters, Ranked (Don’t Worry, Death Note Fans, L is on the List)
6 Smartest Anime Characters, Ranked (Don’t Worry, Death Note Fans, L is on the List)
After all, brainy is the new sexy.
Dr. Stone is Exactly the Kind of Anime We Need Nowadays, and Here's Why
Dr. Stone is Exactly the Kind of Anime We Need Nowadays, and Here's Why
And that’s not just because it's a very good story.
Blue Box Anime Announced: Why Is It Worth Waiting For
Blue Box Anime Announced: Why Is It Worth Waiting For
It's a sports manga as much as a romance one.
Is It Morphin' Time? Go! Go! Loser Ranger! Received a New PV
Is It Morphin' Time? Go! Go! Loser Ranger! Received a New PV
A new PV that has fans excited about this 2024 anime promises both action and comedy that fit well with the anime’s plot. 
We Love Them for a Reason: What Makes Anime Characters So Likable?
We Love Them for a Reason: What Makes Anime Characters So Likable?
Why do we like the characters we like?
Silicon Valley Has Nothing On IT Thriller Trillion Game That Gets Anime Adaptation
Silicon Valley Has Nothing On IT Thriller Trillion Game That Gets Anime Adaptation
A show about a mysterious success story.
5 Anime That Sneakily Teach You Things
5 Anime That Sneakily Teach You Things
Science, Economics, Crafts and Biology? In my anime?
Toonami in November: Demon Slayer Mugen Train Arc and Dr. Stone: New World Part 2
Toonami in November: Demon Slayer Mugen Train Arc and Dr. Stone: New World Part 2
Toonami, which belongs to Adult Swim, has announced its November’s programming block, which features some very famous anime.
We're Living in the Aftermath: 10 Anime in a Post-apocalyptic Setting
We're Living in the Aftermath: 10 Anime in a Post-apocalyptic Setting
The world can be broken in many ways.
Luck Be On My Side: 8 Anime Characters Who Always End Up RIght
Luck Be On My Side: 8 Anime Characters Who Always End Up RIght
They're not just smart, they're fortunate.
Only 645 Blu-ray Sales In The First Week: Why Heavenly Delusion Supposedly Tanked
Only 645 Blu-ray Sales In The First Week: Why Heavenly Delusion Supposedly Tanked
It's not what it seems.