
Are Kyoto Students Really Irrelevant in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Are Kyoto Students Really Irrelevant in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Did they get unfair treatment?


  • Jujutsu Kaisen introduced Kyoto students back in Season 1.
  • Todo is the only one truly relevant to the story.
  • All Kyoto students either die or disappear from the series.

The second cour of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 introduced a lot of new characters into the series: Kyoto students. While some fans saw that as an unnecessary addition to the cast, others really sympathized with the characters and wanted to see them develop and play significant roles in the story. And it feels like neither group got what they wanted.

No one wins with them

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If you never really liked the Kyoto students (except for Todo, let’s be honest), you weren’t really into the Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc and just wanted to move to a more interesting part of the story. If you’re a fan of any of the Kyoto students, you definitely wanted to see more of them.

However, everyone lost because Jujutsu Kaisen took its time to introduce the characters, but never actually developed them.

Todo is the only one who matters

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Todo feels like the only one whom the series actually likes. First of all, back in Season 1 he was the one who fought Hanami alongside Yuji. You might have disliked him at first due to his over-the-top demeanor, but let’s be real, he got much better over time, and we can’t help but love him now.

Season 2 was also very generous to Todo. The Mahito fight alone was exceptional, and some even say it’s one of the best anime fights this year. However, manga readers have bad news for Todo stans: there won’t be much of him after this moment.

The rest of the Kyoto students also either die or disappear from the story. And no one even remembers the name of the girl on the broom (her name is Momo, by the way). Fans say that Kamo and Mai served the purpose of being powerup plot devices for Maki, and the rest of the students (again, except for Todo) turned out to be completely irrelevant to the series.

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On top of that, fans joke that Todo is like 99% of the power that the Kyoto students hold, and if not for him, they would be completely useless and uninteresting. It’s a bit harsh if you ask us, but we have to admit that we see their point.

If the Kyoto students were never meant to be relevant to the story, why introduce them and waste time that could’ve been spent on something more interesting? And if they were actually important, where are they?

Did they get unfair treatment?


  • Jujutsu Kaisen introduced Kyoto students back in Season 1.
  • Todo is the only one truly relevant to the story.
  • All Kyoto students either die or disappear from the series.

The second cour of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 introduced a lot of new characters into the series: Kyoto students. While some fans saw that as an unnecessary addition to the cast, others really sympathized with the characters and wanted to see them develop and play significant roles in the story. And it feels like neither group got what they wanted.

No one wins with them

Are Kyoto Students Really Irrelevant in Jujutsu Kaisen? - image 1

If you never really liked the Kyoto students (except for Todo, let’s be honest), you weren’t really into the Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc and just wanted to move to a more interesting part of the story. If you’re a fan of any of the Kyoto students, you definitely wanted to see more of them.

However, everyone lost because Jujutsu Kaisen took its time to introduce the characters, but never actually developed them.

Todo is the only one who matters

Are Kyoto Students Really Irrelevant in Jujutsu Kaisen? - image 2

Todo feels like the only one whom the series actually likes. First of all, back in Season 1 he was the one who fought Hanami alongside Yuji. You might have disliked him at first due to his over-the-top demeanor, but let’s be real, he got much better over time, and we can’t help but love him now.

Season 2 was also very generous to Todo. The Mahito fight alone was exceptional, and some even say it’s one of the best anime fights this year. However, manga readers have bad news for Todo stans: there won’t be much of him after this moment.

The rest of the Kyoto students also either die or disappear from the story. And no one even remembers the name of the girl on the broom (her name is Momo, by the way). Fans say that Kamo and Mai served the purpose of being powerup plot devices for Maki, and the rest of the students (again, except for Todo) turned out to be completely irrelevant to the series.

Are Kyoto Students Really Irrelevant in Jujutsu Kaisen? - image 3

On top of that, fans joke that Todo is like 99% of the power that the Kyoto students hold, and if not for him, they would be completely useless and uninteresting. It’s a bit harsh if you ask us, but we have to admit that we see their point.

If the Kyoto students were never meant to be relevant to the story, why introduce them and waste time that could’ve been spent on something more interesting? And if they were actually important, where are they?