
Could Undead Unluck Manga Be Canceled Due to the Lack of Hype?

Could Undead Unluck Manga Be Canceled Due to the Lack of Hype?

Should we be worried?


  • Undead Unluck isn’t getting as much hype as fans were hoping.
  • There’s a worry that the series might be canceled.
  • Fans think there’s no need to be concerned just now.

Undead Unluck is a Weekly Shounen Jump manga series, written and illustrated by Yoshifumi Tozuka. The first chapter was released back in 2020, and since then the series has been receiving a lot of praise by manga readers. The success of the Undead Unluck manga made the anime adaptation just a matter of time, and 2023 has a pleasant surprise for the fans: the anime is airing now!

Undead Unluck has the description of its two main protagonists in its title. Andy is an undead “zombie” that cannot die, but eagerly wants to do so, and Fuuko is a girl, whose weird superpower is bringing misfortune to everyone she touches. Their adventures generate dozens of hilarious, endearing and exciting moments, and their relationship is one of the main things that make the series so great.

Fans are worried about the lack of hype

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Although Undead Unluck had been very popular among manga readers even before the anime was announced, there were some worries about the success of the series. They don’t stem from the story itself. On the contrary, fans mention the story to be incredibly well-written and entertaining. On top of that, they add that the current arc is the best the series has ever had, and they’re enjoying the manga more and more with each chapter.

Readers that are completely in love with Undead Unluck feel like the series is underappreciated. They longed for the anime adaptation, hoping that it would become the force that’ll ensure the success of Undead Unluck and attract more attention to the project. And while the anime is going pretty well and it’s a regular in all “Top 10 anime of the week” lists, the worries still remain. Undead Unluck is never number one, and other popular series outshine the anime.

This all leads to the main concern of the fans. What if the series gets canceled due to not being more hyped? Manga readers fear this outcome as they’ve been enjoying Undead Unluck a lot, and they’re really engaged in the story and want to know how it ends.

No reasons to worry for now

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Many fans think there’s no need to be upset. The series has always been underrated, and it has never prevented it from being this amazing and continuing its run. The adaptation is pleasantly surprising the viewers with each episode, and it’s attracting more people step by step. The anime first aired a bit over a month ago, so there’s still a chance for it to become bigger with time. Besides, Weekly Shounen Jump considers Undead Unluck to be as much of a success as other well-known series, so there’s hardly any hints at it being canceled anytime soon.

Should we be worried?


  • Undead Unluck isn’t getting as much hype as fans were hoping.
  • There’s a worry that the series might be canceled.
  • Fans think there’s no need to be concerned just now.

Undead Unluck is a Weekly Shounen Jump manga series, written and illustrated by Yoshifumi Tozuka. The first chapter was released back in 2020, and since then the series has been receiving a lot of praise by manga readers. The success of the Undead Unluck manga made the anime adaptation just a matter of time, and 2023 has a pleasant surprise for the fans: the anime is airing now!

Undead Unluck has the description of its two main protagonists in its title. Andy is an undead “zombie” that cannot die, but eagerly wants to do so, and Fuuko is a girl, whose weird superpower is bringing misfortune to everyone she touches. Their adventures generate dozens of hilarious, endearing and exciting moments, and their relationship is one of the main things that make the series so great.

Fans are worried about the lack of hype

Could Undead Unluck Manga Be Canceled Due to the Lack of Hype? - image 1

Although Undead Unluck had been very popular among manga readers even before the anime was announced, there were some worries about the success of the series. They don’t stem from the story itself. On the contrary, fans mention the story to be incredibly well-written and entertaining. On top of that, they add that the current arc is the best the series has ever had, and they’re enjoying the manga more and more with each chapter.

Readers that are completely in love with Undead Unluck feel like the series is underappreciated. They longed for the anime adaptation, hoping that it would become the force that’ll ensure the success of Undead Unluck and attract more attention to the project. And while the anime is going pretty well and it’s a regular in all “Top 10 anime of the week” lists, the worries still remain. Undead Unluck is never number one, and other popular series outshine the anime.

This all leads to the main concern of the fans. What if the series gets canceled due to not being more hyped? Manga readers fear this outcome as they’ve been enjoying Undead Unluck a lot, and they’re really engaged in the story and want to know how it ends.

No reasons to worry for now

Could Undead Unluck Manga Be Canceled Due to the Lack of Hype? - image 2

Many fans think there’s no need to be upset. The series has always been underrated, and it has never prevented it from being this amazing and continuing its run. The adaptation is pleasantly surprising the viewers with each episode, and it’s attracting more people step by step. The anime first aired a bit over a month ago, so there’s still a chance for it to become bigger with time. Besides, Weekly Shounen Jump considers Undead Unluck to be as much of a success as other well-known series, so there’s hardly any hints at it being canceled anytime soon.