
Metallic Rouge Finale Doesn’t Work Miracles, Anime Keeps Disappointing Fans

Metallic Rouge Finale Doesn’t Work Miracles, Anime Keeps Disappointing Fans

Season 1 finale didn’t change much.


  • Metallic Rouge has been criticized before.
  • The finale didn’t change the situation much.
  • Season 1 was disappointing and felt too rushed.

Metallic Rouge has been criticized for months now, almost straight from the beginning. The start of the series was rather promising, and the anime being an original project was exciting: no one knew what would happen on the show.

It Doesn’t Get Better

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But episodes kept coming, more chunks of story were being dropped on the viewers, and yet no one could still understand where the anime was going with this. “Confusing” and “disappointing” became the most common words in all the Metallic Rouge discussions.

As we’ve said, this is an original anime, so there weren’t any manga readers to promise anything and force anime-onlys to keep watching, that’s why a big number of viewers dropped the series somewhere in the middle.

Back then, one of the ideas was that Metallic Rouge might be better when binged-watched. This way, there wouldn’t be weeks between the episodes, all explanations and story points would be fresh in memory, and the entire thing would be less confusing. Turns out, the hope was in vain.

The final episode of Season 1 aired on April 4, 2024, causing another wave of disappointment among fans. Yes, the series managed to answer some of the earlier questions, and yes, the series became less confusing over time, but the anime failed to redeem itself entirely and left a lot of viewers unsatisfied.

Good Ideas, Bad Execution

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The pacing of Metallic Rouge is all over the place. Fans see some very curious ideas in the series. The theme of human-looking robots (Neans in case of Metallic Rouge) having a conflict with humans has been around for ages, but this anime made us believe that this time there would be something more to it.

The dynamic between Rouge and Naomi felt very promising at the beginning of the series, and fans expected something hilarious and even endearing. It felt like these two girls could become the new Connor and Hank from Detroit: Become Human, but they never did.

The show forgot the original setup of these two working as partners on a case, and tried to surprise fans with various plot twists.

The final plot twist with the virus wasn’t appreciated by viewers, either. Some of them even say that the finale completely ruined the anime for them for good and made them lower their scores of the series.

Still, Metallic Rouge doesn’t seem like a total disaster, and fans admit that something actually enjoyable could have been done with the anime. But poor storytelling, overly confusing twists, and terrible pacing ruined it.

Season 1 finale didn’t change much.


  • Metallic Rouge has been criticized before.
  • The finale didn’t change the situation much.
  • Season 1 was disappointing and felt too rushed.

Metallic Rouge has been criticized for months now, almost straight from the beginning. The start of the series was rather promising, and the anime being an original project was exciting: no one knew what would happen on the show.

It Doesn’t Get Better

Metallic Rouge Finale Doesn’t Work Miracles, Anime Keeps Disappointing Fans - image 1

But episodes kept coming, more chunks of story were being dropped on the viewers, and yet no one could still understand where the anime was going with this. “Confusing” and “disappointing” became the most common words in all the Metallic Rouge discussions.

As we’ve said, this is an original anime, so there weren’t any manga readers to promise anything and force anime-onlys to keep watching, that’s why a big number of viewers dropped the series somewhere in the middle.

Back then, one of the ideas was that Metallic Rouge might be better when binged-watched. This way, there wouldn’t be weeks between the episodes, all explanations and story points would be fresh in memory, and the entire thing would be less confusing. Turns out, the hope was in vain.

The final episode of Season 1 aired on April 4, 2024, causing another wave of disappointment among fans. Yes, the series managed to answer some of the earlier questions, and yes, the series became less confusing over time, but the anime failed to redeem itself entirely and left a lot of viewers unsatisfied.

Good Ideas, Bad Execution

Metallic Rouge Finale Doesn’t Work Miracles, Anime Keeps Disappointing Fans - image 2

The pacing of Metallic Rouge is all over the place. Fans see some very curious ideas in the series. The theme of human-looking robots (Neans in case of Metallic Rouge) having a conflict with humans has been around for ages, but this anime made us believe that this time there would be something more to it.

The dynamic between Rouge and Naomi felt very promising at the beginning of the series, and fans expected something hilarious and even endearing. It felt like these two girls could become the new Connor and Hank from Detroit: Become Human, but they never did.

The show forgot the original setup of these two working as partners on a case, and tried to surprise fans with various plot twists.

The final plot twist with the virus wasn’t appreciated by viewers, either. Some of them even say that the finale completely ruined the anime for them for good and made them lower their scores of the series.

Still, Metallic Rouge doesn’t seem like a total disaster, and fans admit that something actually enjoyable could have been done with the anime. But poor storytelling, overly confusing twists, and terrible pacing ruined it.