
Undead Unluck Approaches Concept of Regeneration in Rather Unique Way

Undead Unluck Approaches Concept of Regeneration in Rather Unique Way

Finally, something fresh.


  • Regeneration is overused in anime.
  • Andy’s ability to regenerate feels fresh.
  • It’s immensely strong and fast and can be used as a weapon.

The ability of regeneration in manga and anime has been receiving criticism for some time for the lack of creativity and decreasing the stakes during a battle. But Undead Unluck does something unique with this ability. Something that we’d like to talk about today.

Andy is a negator with the Undead ability, which means that he can’t die. It doesn’t matter what you do to him: you can wound him, damage his vital organs or even decapitate him ― he will still survive.

When you first hear of this ability, you may think “not this again” because it does sound rather generic. But the more you understand how it works and the more you see Andy use it, the more you understand how creative and unique regeneration in Undead Unluck is.

Andy doesn’t age

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First of all, Andy’s Undead ability negates anything that brings him closer to death, even aging. This is such a minor detail that you wouldn’t even think of, but it makes a lot of sense. Wounds are not the only thing that can kill a person, so it is extremely logical to suggest that not aging is part of regeneration.

On top of that, Andy can control his regeneration. We know that it’s not necessarily something surprising because Titan Shifters in Attack on Titan could also do that. But Andy can control the speed of his regeneration, too; it’s not just a matter of regenerate or not regenerate.

Andy is capable of growing his entire body in mere seconds, and it doesn’t matter how lethal his wound is, it doesn’t take him much time to recover.

Clever battle use

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But the most peculiar thing is how Andy uses his ability. The first time you watch Undead Unluck, you might giggle a bit at how absolutely absurd everything seems, but then you really start to admire the creativity.

Andy uses regeneration as a weapon, and this is something we’ve never seen before. He keeps detaching his body parts for various purposes. For example, his fingers become bullets and can attack Andy’s opponents. Detaching his legs allows him to fly like a rocket due to the blood flow.

Moreover, Andy can create clones of himself by detaching his body parts and grow full bodies out of these parts, which is also a very unique usage of the regeneration ability.

Finally, something fresh.


  • Regeneration is overused in anime.
  • Andy’s ability to regenerate feels fresh.
  • It’s immensely strong and fast and can be used as a weapon.

The ability of regeneration in manga and anime has been receiving criticism for some time for the lack of creativity and decreasing the stakes during a battle. But Undead Unluck does something unique with this ability. Something that we’d like to talk about today.

Andy is a negator with the Undead ability, which means that he can’t die. It doesn’t matter what you do to him: you can wound him, damage his vital organs or even decapitate him ― he will still survive.

When you first hear of this ability, you may think “not this again” because it does sound rather generic. But the more you understand how it works and the more you see Andy use it, the more you understand how creative and unique regeneration in Undead Unluck is.

Andy doesn’t age

Undead Unluck Approaches Concept of Regeneration in Rather Unique Way - image 1

First of all, Andy’s Undead ability negates anything that brings him closer to death, even aging. This is such a minor detail that you wouldn’t even think of, but it makes a lot of sense. Wounds are not the only thing that can kill a person, so it is extremely logical to suggest that not aging is part of regeneration.

On top of that, Andy can control his regeneration. We know that it’s not necessarily something surprising because Titan Shifters in Attack on Titan could also do that. But Andy can control the speed of his regeneration, too; it’s not just a matter of regenerate or not regenerate.

Andy is capable of growing his entire body in mere seconds, and it doesn’t matter how lethal his wound is, it doesn’t take him much time to recover.

Clever battle use

Undead Unluck Approaches Concept of Regeneration in Rather Unique Way - image 2

But the most peculiar thing is how Andy uses his ability. The first time you watch Undead Unluck, you might giggle a bit at how absolutely absurd everything seems, but then you really start to admire the creativity.

Andy uses regeneration as a weapon, and this is something we’ve never seen before. He keeps detaching his body parts for various purposes. For example, his fingers become bullets and can attack Andy’s opponents. Detaching his legs allows him to fly like a rocket due to the blood flow.

Moreover, Andy can create clones of himself by detaching his body parts and grow full bodies out of these parts, which is also a very unique usage of the regeneration ability.