
Undead Unluck Episode 14: Tatiana’s Powers, Explained

Undead Unluck Episode 14: Tatiana’s Powers, Explained

It’s not as difficult as it may seem.


  • The latest episodes of Undead Unluck gave us some perspective on Tatiana.
  • She has the Untouchable negator ability that can create a barrier around her.
  • Fans got confused as to how Fuuko and Chikara could stand on the barrier without getting hurt.

The latest episodes of Undead Unluck were Tatiana’s time to shine. We got more perspective on her character and learned some things about her backstory, which is as heartbreaking as you would expect from a negator’s backstory.

We also saw how powerful Tatiana can be when she unleashes her true potential. She has the Untouchable negator ability which allows her to emit a kind of repulsive force field outward from her entire body that prevents anything from touching it.

She needs restrains to avoid hurting others

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That’s why she spent most of her screen time inside a robot-looking machine. And that’s why she’s incapable of experiencing human contact. It got so bad that Tatiana even asked to get killed.

But while this ability has brought her a lot of suffering, it may be very useful on the battlefield, and Episode 14 is the best proof for that.

The encounter with Rip forced Tatiana to get out of her shell and use the ability to defeat the opponents. It created a fierce wave that caused an explosion splitting the huge liner in halves.

How does her power work?

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Tatiana creates a bubble-like barrier around herself that doesn’t allow anyone in. This is exactly what confused some fans in Episode 14. Fuuko and Chikara use this barrier for mobility: they stand on top of it, and Tatiana moves them to where they need to go.

This got fans thinking about the nature of the Untouchable ability. How can Fuuko and Chikara just stand on the bubble? Aren’t they supposed to get sucked in or destroyed the moment they touch it?

The answer is actually pretty simple: touching the barrier doesn’t do any damage to people. If Tatiana doesn’t want it to, of course. She has to expand it at a high speed for it to actually become a weapon. So when Tatiana expands the barrier slowly, there isn’t any damage.

Tatiana’s ability is constantly restrained by her armor, and when she releases it, the compression creates additional force. That’s why the impact of her unleashing Untouchable was so great that it was greeted with a massive explosion.

Tatiana learned to restrain and control her ability to some level, so she used it the way that wouldn’t hurt Fuuko and Chikara, but would allow them to stand on top of the barrier safely.

It’s not as difficult as it may seem.


  • The latest episodes of Undead Unluck gave us some perspective on Tatiana.
  • She has the Untouchable negator ability that can create a barrier around her.
  • Fans got confused as to how Fuuko and Chikara could stand on the barrier without getting hurt.

The latest episodes of Undead Unluck were Tatiana’s time to shine. We got more perspective on her character and learned some things about her backstory, which is as heartbreaking as you would expect from a negator’s backstory.

We also saw how powerful Tatiana can be when she unleashes her true potential. She has the Untouchable negator ability which allows her to emit a kind of repulsive force field outward from her entire body that prevents anything from touching it.

She needs restrains to avoid hurting others

Undead Unluck Episode 14: Tatiana’s Powers, Explained - image 1

That’s why she spent most of her screen time inside a robot-looking machine. And that’s why she’s incapable of experiencing human contact. It got so bad that Tatiana even asked to get killed.

But while this ability has brought her a lot of suffering, it may be very useful on the battlefield, and Episode 14 is the best proof for that.

The encounter with Rip forced Tatiana to get out of her shell and use the ability to defeat the opponents. It created a fierce wave that caused an explosion splitting the huge liner in halves.

How does her power work?

Undead Unluck Episode 14: Tatiana’s Powers, Explained - image 2

Tatiana creates a bubble-like barrier around herself that doesn’t allow anyone in. This is exactly what confused some fans in Episode 14. Fuuko and Chikara use this barrier for mobility: they stand on top of it, and Tatiana moves them to where they need to go.

This got fans thinking about the nature of the Untouchable ability. How can Fuuko and Chikara just stand on the bubble? Aren’t they supposed to get sucked in or destroyed the moment they touch it?

The answer is actually pretty simple: touching the barrier doesn’t do any damage to people. If Tatiana doesn’t want it to, of course. She has to expand it at a high speed for it to actually become a weapon. So when Tatiana expands the barrier slowly, there isn’t any damage.

Tatiana’s ability is constantly restrained by her armor, and when she releases it, the compression creates additional force. That’s why the impact of her unleashing Untouchable was so great that it was greeted with a massive explosion.

Tatiana learned to restrain and control her ability to some level, so she used it the way that wouldn’t hurt Fuuko and Chikara, but would allow them to stand on top of the barrier safely.