
Undead Unluck is Actually Very Good at Avoiding Shounen Tropes

Undead Unluck is Actually Very Good at Avoiding Shounen Tropes

This series is truly special.


  • Undead Unluck is a shounen series, but it manages to avoid a lot of annoying shounen tropes.
  • The overall vibe and narrative style of the series makes it stand out.
  • Characters are also very well-written, and don’t look like typical shounen ones.

Despite being a shounen series, Undead Unluck does a lot of things differently than a regular shounen anime. It starts with the unserious vibe and dark jokes, which are usually typical for comedy series. The overall crazy vibe of Undead Unluck also makes it stand out among other shounen anime, but it doesn’t end there. So what is so special about this particular series?

If it’s not important for the story, it won’t go on for dozens of episodes

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There’s a classical battle trope that a lot of shounens like to follow, when the characters are fighting one-on-one or in small groups one at a time. Action sequences are always very crucial for shounen anime, and quite often they take up several episodes, showing each protagonist fighting for their life. Undead Unluck does that, too, but it’s a rare thing in this anime. Moreover, if a fight doesn't progress the narrative, Undead Unluck doesn’t force you to experience it in every little detail. All that makes the pacing of the series very enjoyable and allows the story to lead you to the destination point faster.

Characters are also great

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Female characters are a pain for a big number of anime fans. Numerous series, old and new, get criticized for their portrayal of girls every other week. But Undead Unluck is not one of those series. Fans are really enjoying this anime’s female characters and point out that there are no token women in the show. Girls are interesting, they have personalities and complexity.

A lot of shounen series start with the main protagonist suddenly gaining powers and being forced to deal with great evil (Yuji (Jujutsu Kaisen) swallows Sukuna’s finger, Eren (Attack on Titan) finds out he’s a titan shifter), but it’s not like that with Undead Unluck. Both Fuuko and Andy possess their powers straight from the beginning. And the story doesn’t start as one about them fighting the big bad guy, but about these two learning to live with their abilities and become closer along the way.

Although sexual innuendos are pretty much present in the show, fans admit that it’s not that annoying with Undead Unluck. They’re tired of horrible perverted characters that are introduced to the story only for some stupid gags. Andy does talk about sexual things a lot, but fans don’t find it that annoying. Moreover, he’s actually lovable and funny, and despite being a wee bit perverted, he’s also trying to stay respectful towards Fuuko.

Source: Reddit

This series is truly special.


  • Undead Unluck is a shounen series, but it manages to avoid a lot of annoying shounen tropes.
  • The overall vibe and narrative style of the series makes it stand out.
  • Characters are also very well-written, and don’t look like typical shounen ones.

Despite being a shounen series, Undead Unluck does a lot of things differently than a regular shounen anime. It starts with the unserious vibe and dark jokes, which are usually typical for comedy series. The overall crazy vibe of Undead Unluck also makes it stand out among other shounen anime, but it doesn’t end there. So what is so special about this particular series?

If it’s not important for the story, it won’t go on for dozens of episodes

Undead Unluck is Actually Very Good at Avoiding Shounen Tropes - image 1

There’s a classical battle trope that a lot of shounens like to follow, when the characters are fighting one-on-one or in small groups one at a time. Action sequences are always very crucial for shounen anime, and quite often they take up several episodes, showing each protagonist fighting for their life. Undead Unluck does that, too, but it’s a rare thing in this anime. Moreover, if a fight doesn't progress the narrative, Undead Unluck doesn’t force you to experience it in every little detail. All that makes the pacing of the series very enjoyable and allows the story to lead you to the destination point faster.

Characters are also great

Undead Unluck is Actually Very Good at Avoiding Shounen Tropes - image 2

Female characters are a pain for a big number of anime fans. Numerous series, old and new, get criticized for their portrayal of girls every other week. But Undead Unluck is not one of those series. Fans are really enjoying this anime’s female characters and point out that there are no token women in the show. Girls are interesting, they have personalities and complexity.

A lot of shounen series start with the main protagonist suddenly gaining powers and being forced to deal with great evil (Yuji (Jujutsu Kaisen) swallows Sukuna’s finger, Eren (Attack on Titan) finds out he’s a titan shifter), but it’s not like that with Undead Unluck. Both Fuuko and Andy possess their powers straight from the beginning. And the story doesn’t start as one about them fighting the big bad guy, but about these two learning to live with their abilities and become closer along the way.

Although sexual innuendos are pretty much present in the show, fans admit that it’s not that annoying with Undead Unluck. They’re tired of horrible perverted characters that are introduced to the story only for some stupid gags. Andy does talk about sexual things a lot, but fans don’t find it that annoying. Moreover, he’s actually lovable and funny, and despite being a wee bit perverted, he’s also trying to stay respectful towards Fuuko.

Source: Reddit