
Vinland Saga Fanbase May Come Off as Elitist, but Don’t Be Scared, They’re Not All Like That

Vinland Saga Fanbase May Come Off as Elitist, but Don’t Be Scared, They’re Not All Like That

You don’t need to have 200 IQ to enjoy the series.


  • Vinland Saga Season 2 is a deep and philosophical experience.
  • Its reputation and fanbase scares the Vinland Saga newbies sometimes.
  • You don’t have to be a genius to enjoy the series, and it doesn’t mean you’re stupid if you don’t.

Vinland Saga Season 2 has a very curious reputation of being a series that’s got deep philosophy, outstanding character development and exploration of important and existential ideas.

We have to be honest, all of that is indeed true, and there’s a reason why the second season gets so much praise, and some mass media even call it the best anime of 2023.

Thorfinn’s journey is definitely one of the most unmatched examples of great character development in anime, and his “I have no enemies quote” has become a catchphrase among the fans.

Yes, it’s deep, so what?

But every time there’s a series like Vinland Saga that may be considered deep and that actually makes you think, there are fans who love screaming “you dumb” every time they encounter someone who didn’t enjoy the anime. Vinland Saga has a big number of such viewers.

If a poor soul dares mention that the second season of Vinland Saga didn’t really do it for them, there necessarily comes a moment when someone questions their intelligence, literacy or level of sophistication.

This, of course, may scare newbies and make them think that Vinland Saga is something so deep, meaningful and intricate that they don’t even see the point in watching it. What if they don’t like it and feel stupid because of it?

But the reality is much simpler: you don’t have to be a genius to understand the story and enjoy it. And, just a crazy thought, if you don’t like Vinland Saga Season 2 and prefer more action-focused series, it doesn’t mean you’re lacking intelligence.

Don’t be scared

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All fanbases have their loud members that will protect their favorite series no matter what, and Vinland Saga is no exception. But don’t let them make you scared of trying and expressing your opinion.

If you end up loving Season 2, this is amazing and we’re happy for you. But if you understand that you’d rather watch a couple of Jujutsu Kaisen fights instead, it doesn’t mean that you don’t understand the story. And a lot of Vinland Saga fans will agree.

This is not an elitist society, this is an anime. A well-written and well-done one, but also one that can be just not your thing

You don’t need to have 200 IQ to enjoy the series.


  • Vinland Saga Season 2 is a deep and philosophical experience.
  • Its reputation and fanbase scares the Vinland Saga newbies sometimes.
  • You don’t have to be a genius to enjoy the series, and it doesn’t mean you’re stupid if you don’t.

Vinland Saga Season 2 has a very curious reputation of being a series that’s got deep philosophy, outstanding character development and exploration of important and existential ideas.

We have to be honest, all of that is indeed true, and there’s a reason why the second season gets so much praise, and some mass media even call it the best anime of 2023.

Thorfinn’s journey is definitely one of the most unmatched examples of great character development in anime, and his “I have no enemies quote” has become a catchphrase among the fans.

Yes, it’s deep, so what?

But every time there’s a series like Vinland Saga that may be considered deep and that actually makes you think, there are fans who love screaming “you dumb” every time they encounter someone who didn’t enjoy the anime. Vinland Saga has a big number of such viewers.

If a poor soul dares mention that the second season of Vinland Saga didn’t really do it for them, there necessarily comes a moment when someone questions their intelligence, literacy or level of sophistication.

This, of course, may scare newbies and make them think that Vinland Saga is something so deep, meaningful and intricate that they don’t even see the point in watching it. What if they don’t like it and feel stupid because of it?

But the reality is much simpler: you don’t have to be a genius to understand the story and enjoy it. And, just a crazy thought, if you don’t like Vinland Saga Season 2 and prefer more action-focused series, it doesn’t mean you’re lacking intelligence.

Don’t be scared

Vinland Saga Fanbase May Come Off as Elitist, but Don’t Be Scared, They’re Not All Like That - image 1

All fanbases have their loud members that will protect their favorite series no matter what, and Vinland Saga is no exception. But don’t let them make you scared of trying and expressing your opinion.

If you end up loving Season 2, this is amazing and we’re happy for you. But if you understand that you’d rather watch a couple of Jujutsu Kaisen fights instead, it doesn’t mean that you don’t understand the story. And a lot of Vinland Saga fans will agree.

This is not an elitist society, this is an anime. A well-written and well-done one, but also one that can be just not your thing