Why Josei Has Become Anime's Least Popular Genre
Why Josei Has Become Anime's Least Popular Genre
We live in the world of shounens, though.
5 Occupations, Hobbies and Activities You Won't Believe Have Anime About Them
5 Occupations, Hobbies and Activities You Won't Believe Have Anime About Them
Seriously, sometimes it feels like there’s an anime about absolutely anything.
Chihayafuru Comes Back With a Sequel and New Kids in Karuta Club
Chihayafuru Comes Back With a Sequel and New Kids in Karuta Club
Maybe we'll get the anime finale, then?
10 Must-Watch Unconventional Sports Anime Series
10 Must-Watch Unconventional Sports Anime Series
Any sport can be entertaining if prepared well.
5 Anime Your Girlfriend Will Actually Like
5 Anime Your Girlfriend Will Actually Like
Prove to your girlfriend that not all anime is a variation on Slam Dunk and Dragon Ball Z.