Reborn! Seems Forgotten in 2023, and There's a Reason for That
Reborn! Seems Forgotten in 2023, and There's a Reason for That
It was so big, but now it is barely talked about.
Watch Hell's Paradise for Its Plot, Stay for the Female Characters
Watch Hell's Paradise for Its Plot, Stay for the Female Characters
We love ourselves some strong female characters.
What Yuzuki Family's Four Sons Gets Right About Being the Oldest
What Yuzuki Family's Four Sons Gets Right About Being the Oldest
Being an older brother might be a royal pain in the *ss, but in the end, it's still rewarding.
Firefighter Daigo's Yuki Just Might Be Stuck in the Office Forever
Firefighter Daigo's Yuki Just Might Be Stuck in the Office Forever
Yuki wants to be a firefighter, but is it realistic for her to expect to be accepted?
We All Need A Huge Cat Like Yukichi From The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today To Heal Our Souls
We All Need A Huge Cat Like Yukichi From The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today To Heal Our Souls
It's like having your heart wrapped in a fluffy blanket.
The Beautiful Weirdness Of Mushishi
The Beautiful Weirdness Of Mushishi
An ethereal dialogue with nature.
Horny on Main: How Mappa Makes Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Hotter Than In The Manga
Horny on Main: How Mappa Makes Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Hotter Than In The Manga
It almost borders on ecchi sometimes, just with dudes.
Is Firefighter Daigo Overdoing It With Recaps?
Is Firefighter Daigo Overdoing It With Recaps?
It seems that Firefighter Daigo has very long recaps of previous series. Could it be excused?
Dororo is Not Just a Violent Hackfest, and Here's Proof
Dororo is Not Just a Violent Hackfest, and Here's Proof
When violence goes hand in hand with love.
Elias and Alcyone: Are They Similar or Different, Explained
Elias and Alcyone: Are They Similar or Different, Explained
Elias and Alcyone have a little chat about their similarities and differences. Let’s compare them!