6 Smartest Anime Characters, Ranked (Don’t Worry, Death Note Fans, L is on the List)
6 Smartest Anime Characters, Ranked (Don’t Worry, Death Note Fans, L is on the List)
After all, brainy is the new sexy.
Gundam SEED Returns After Nearly Two Decades With a Movie!
Gundam SEED Returns After Nearly Two Decades With a Movie!
Hopefully, you watched both seasons of SEED.
Why Code Geass is the Perfect Series for Anime Beginners
Why Code Geass is the Perfect Series for Anime Beginners
You can't change the world with pretty words alone.
Eren Yeager is Definitely Not the Worst Protagonist in Anime History — Here's Proof
Eren Yeager is Definitely Not the Worst Protagonist in Anime History — Here's Proof
Eren Yeager, with his ideas of genocide, has earned a reputation as a bad main character, but can he be considered the worst protagonist in anime history? Definitely not.
8 Anime That Are Basically Siblings: Same Concept, Different Vibes
8 Anime That Are Basically Siblings: Same Concept, Different Vibes
The same idea can be brought to life in completely different ways.
Reddit Plays Charades and Describes Their Favorite Anime in 10 or Less Words
Reddit Plays Charades and Describes Their Favorite Anime in 10 or Less Words
Trying to figure out what exactly is the plot of the show is hard.
Halloween 2023 Creepfest: 10 Best Haunted House Moments In Anime, Ranked
Halloween 2023 Creepfest: 10 Best Haunted House Moments In Anime, Ranked
Spooky times are in the air.
5 Worst Disguises in Anime, Ranked (One Piece Fans, You're Ready For This Talk)
5 Worst Disguises in Anime, Ranked (One Piece Fans, You're Ready For This Talk)
Why do we even buy into these?
8 Anime Characters That Belong In Slytherin
8 Anime Characters That Belong In Slytherin
Harry Potter fans watch anime, too!
10 Anime We'd Erase from Our Brains Just to Watch Again for the First Time
10 Anime We'd Erase from Our Brains Just to Watch Again for the First Time
Imagine forgetting about something completely – and then experiencing it for the first time all over again.
Bangers Of The Decade: Top 10 Anime Of The 2000s According To Reddit
Bangers Of The Decade: Top 10 Anime Of The 2000s According To Reddit
The list may surprise you.
5 Anime Series Where the Villain Wins (and That's a Good Thing)
5 Anime Series Where the Villain Wins (and That's a Good Thing)
Sometimes we just root for the bad guy.
No Rush: Not Every Anime Should Be Binged
No Rush: Not Every Anime Should Be Binged
It all depends on the story.
Piece Of Me Or Author Tract In Anime
Piece Of Me Or Author Tract In Anime
When the author wants you to think like them.
The Chessmaster Trope In Anime: When Brainy Is The New Sexy
The Chessmaster Trope In Anime: When Brainy Is The New Sexy
Manipulation has never been this attractive.
Top 5 Best Magic Anime of All Time
Top 5 Best Magic Anime of All Time
All kinds of worlds with all kinds of characters.
Which Is Better: Original Anime or Adaptations?
Which Is Better: Original Anime or Adaptations?
Seeing your favorite manga characters in animation or watching new stories?
5 Anime Like Death Note with 200 IQ Moves
5 Anime Like Death Note with 200 IQ Moves
Looking for an anime about mind games? Well, we are already five steps ahead of you.